Oi, you lot, pay attention to this!
Okay... Following convo is between me and
galacticconman whilst we work on an RP we're both chucking about. She is Owen, I'm Teaboy. It's worrying... But funny.
teaboy says: how do we work this with lyssa's Owen and yan's owen if the half sisters meet?
teaboy says: they can't be one and the same
teaboy says: molly and rain I mean.
Owen says: okay I'm confused now, rain is different than molly.
teaboy says: no, not that, sorry, just looked at what I typed, I know that I've confused myself.
teaboy says: molly and rain are half sisters
Owen says: yeah
Owen says: so far making sense.
teaboy says: but are lyssa's owen and yan's owen the same owen, or is it rift stuff? AU's/timeshifts...
teaboy says: and if they are the same owen, how is it that he's happily living with the both of them and the girls?
teaboy says: in separate houses.
teaboy says: Yan and Lyss... Friends, yes, I'd like that, but there's no way those two could live in the same house together!
Owen says: oh that would result in death.
teaboy says: i'm thinking either riftstuff, where there's one of your parallel 'verses that has another owen in it, and everyone, and that's where lyssa and Rain are, and this parallel one where yan and molly are... but because of the rift there can be crossing between the two...
Owen says: yeah that works.
teaboy says: but i don't want to end up with duplicates running all about the place.
Owen says: in Lyss' verse Ianto's still with Jack as it should be I guess. No-one else crosses because Lyss wouldn't tell anyone since Jack would be really pissed off and find someway of stopping it? how's that?
teaboy says: suits me. who's with jack in my verse is what I've got to figure out.
teaboy says: martha still hangs out here,
teaboy says: so maybe martha
Owen says: Tosh
teaboy says: nuh uh, she has tommy
Owen says: awww
teaboy says: "i like uncle tommy, he has the best books!"
teaboy says: ...quote from moll!
Owen says: oh yeah duh
teaboy says: yep
teaboy says: oh... the book I'm reading...
teaboy says: I know what happens to Rhydian (Gwen and Rhys' boy)
teaboy says: he's in it!
Owen says: ?
teaboy says: (not as Gwen and Rhys's son I hasten to add)
Owen says: lol
teaboy says: but there's a character called Rhydian
teaboy says: and I immediately went 'yay! he must have been sent back in time through the rift. that's why he's in Torchwood in the 1900s!'
teaboy says: And Jack still flirts with him!
teaboy says: but then, Jack has only been through some of history twice
teaboy says: so maybe he doesn't know until later!
teaboy says: ... okay, story happening in my skull!
Owen says: lol
teaboy says: help, jack needs a love interest
teaboy says: i don't think martha would have him.
teaboy says: She has her own doctor
Owen says: martha has tom
teaboy says: exactly
teaboy says: not Doctor, doctor... *g*
Owen says: I know
teaboy says: what do you think about other old who companions?
teaboy says: ones who were sent home obv, not ones who died or were left on an alien world somewhere!
Owen says: SJ?
teaboy says: not necessarily...
teaboy says: I am woefully lacking in my knowledge...
teaboy says: But I'd like SJ to be around and about
teaboy says: she kicks ass!
teaboy says: so does Ace!
Owen says: Yes!
teaboy says: Oh crap!
Owen says: ?
teaboy says: SJ and Ace fighting crime together!
teaboy says: woot!
Owen says: ooh
teaboy says: in my head that was such a cool idea!
teaboy says: 'cause SJ has new K9! *glee* and Ace still knows how to make Nitro9. so it is the WIN!
Owen says: just leave Jack single for the moment have him sleeping with random people XD
teaboy says: SJ/Ace OTP? ftw.
teaboy says: ok, will do!
teaboy says: srsly, SJ/Ace OTP? ftw?
Owen says: yes
teaboy says: WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
teaboy says: squee*
So thus we have decided that SJ/Ace is Awesomesauce and Winly, so We declare a competition open... We want fic or fanart of a Sarah-Jane and/or Ace. Even if you don't want to do it slashy, we'd still love it. Seriously, SJ and Ace kicking ass would be fantastic by us. I will be adding to it myself, and anyone can post, just write/draw something and then post a link to it in the comments thread. I'll be giving you fic, not sure what
galacticconman can do at the mo, she's a bit tied up, but then you get prizes for having written/drawn shiny things. These will mostly be in the ways of fic written for you, icons made for you, or pictures of people you want us to stalk for you...
love you guys lots,
plum x.