Dear Julie...

Oct 17, 2007 02:07

I know you made the post so we couldn't comment, but Julie - *hugs*

Just tell them to get stuffed if they're annoying you this much. I send you much love, and hope you feel better if/when you see this on your flist.

Scumspawn loves you. I love you. Stuff 'em. You have a nice drink of your favourite drink and do something you really like to do (since I can't just drop bye, give you a hug and cook you dinner, you'll have to make do with the thought coming from me, and the effort from you, which probably doesn't help now I think of it, but *shrugs*) and then ignore the musical lot and get on with the stuff you need to do so that you don't feel so stressed.


plum xxx.

friends, rant

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