1. What was the last TV show you watched?
I watched QI on thar t'internet yesterday, but the last time I watched a tv was proberbly last week
2. What was the last thing you complained about and what was the problem?
Computer loading too slowly.
3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?
Sam (
copperbadge ) because he's amazingly talented (and although I didn't say it to his face he rocks ma socks! (also I reckon in ten years he'll be either president of tha world or worldwide author of renoun, so I figure I'd better be nice to him right now!)
4. What was the last thing you threw away?
The wrapper from a peppermint cream - my secret weakness at the mo
5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited?
http://jalopnik.com/cars/jalopnik-loves-flying-cars/worlds-first-flying-car-enters-production-282449.php OMG, Flying Cars!