For those who wonder, some more drawings since my last show-off post. I'd call it quantity>quality...
First, the WoW drawings:
Friya for Peter
Arelenda for Linus (had to improvise on the background)
Then, some pastels:
A wolf based on Amadeus and on some postcard with a wolf on for Jenifer (the facial expression and the fluffyness are mine, the rest was pretty much the postcard, I have to admit):
And Uma Thurman for Fried (a lot went wrong, but she is carrying a sword and wearing a yellow suit, so with a bit of good will, you might recognise her) :
And then some experiments with my own RPG characters:
Doodle for Alicia, who is a vampire, and a magician, and doesn't care much:
Kahali, elf smuggler, take 1, made during our first playing session:
Kahali, elf smuggler, take 2, an experiment to see if watercolours are ok without background. Had several accidents doing it (one ruining the eye and the eyebrows). Am happy about the fluff of the jacket. Very unhappy about anatomy, but watercolours are pretty impossible to correct. I need to learn and get photoshop. This is frustrating.