I finally visited Osaka yesterday. It was just a day trip (takes me 3 hours to get there, but whatever) and a very fun one at that, even though I didn't do that much. Just met up with my Himeji friend, had lunch at a dessert tabehoudai, went to Mandarake, walked around Hep Five, did purikura, tried not to get blown away by the sudden rainstorm.
There was a huge delay getting back home last night (=__=) One-hour delay because of the weather. Terrible, but at least I got home safely.
Lately I've been feeling a little ill. This morning I half-vomited (gross, I know, sorry) and two days before I went to Osaka I was lying around on my futon, trying to ease the cramping in my legs. Sigh. Falling apart....
Ah. I picked up vol. 2 of Revaival at Mandarake. So sad that they didn't have vol. 5. And I should've waited to buy vol. 8, because it was so much cheaper there. GRAH.
I also picked up this guy:
I'm sad they didn't have Yukimura. :< When I asked the shop people, it was like they were ready for the question and apologized a lot for not having him |D He seems to be popular, our Young Tiger of Kai.
There's also this:
Who woulda thought Mandarake would have old Tenimyu things. The very first photoset of Kei I ever saw (and immediately ignored because I didn't care about him much back in the day. Pfft.) They had other Hyotei B things, but I don't actually like TeniPuri or Tenimyu all that much so I didn't bother.
Have a wonderful week everyone~