
Apr 22, 2012 23:01

I seem to be on a bit of an upswing!

I've been wanting a fish for a while now, because it's a small pet that I can take with me to school and have in the dorms without any issues; I was going to buy one a couple of weeks ago when I thought I had extra money, before the cell phone fiasco which I won't even go into. But I didn't have enough and I was starting that downward spiral so I just kind of let it go.

On Thursday I went to Petco because Rebecca (my amazing professor) said that petting the animals would be a good sort of therapy. I couldn't find the dogs and all there was was this vague waiting room for adoptions or grooming or something and I just felt too weird about it. They had cats but ... I still felt weird asking to pet them. I didn't have high confidence that day. When I got back to my room, my mom called, and when I told her about going to Petco and eventually spending most of my time examining the betta fish and how I wanted one, she said she'd buy one for me. Or rather, I could buy one and she'd send me the money (plus a little extra for my stupid bills). So!

This is Sullivan, my gorgeous little veil-tailed betta.

He's my little buddy, but he's still getting used to his new home. He hasn't eaten yet, but that's apparently common for a fish that's adjusting. My main concern is keeping his tank temperature in the right zone, but it's been okay so far, even though the weather's been kind of cold and gross since I brought him home. He sleeps a lot, so there's a lot of ARE YOU DEAD SULLY OKAY NO SORRY I WOKE YOU UP. Even Sugee was like "UH. SARA. I THINK YOUR FISH IS ..... DEAD." And I had to show her that he was just sleeping.

Kelly went and got herself what I think is a crown-tailed betta, so now we're betta mothers together and we talk about how they're doing and all of that. It's kind of amusing.

So I've had Sullivan for a couple days now and he's kind of helped my mood. I think I'm coming out of my deep, dark hole at this point. I've been inching out, with little set backs, like saying I AM GOING TO GET UP AND DO THESE THINGS TODAY and then just sleeping anyway. But today ... today I did it.

I got up at 1pm (an improvement from my 4pm risings for almost three weeks), and I gave myself a haircut. Yes. I took the plunge and cut my own hair. I just wanted to get rid of the weird mullet kind of thing that looked like a duck-billed platypus tail growing off the back of my head. And I also cut in some side-swept bangs. It was a great success, I think! I'm sure it doesn't look 100% professional, but it's almost perfectly straight in the back and it doesn't look like I fell into a wood chipper. I'm really proud of myself.

Then I put on makeup just because! Then I did laundry! And I worked on homework! And I cleaned the floors! And repainted my nails! They now are black with pink polka-dots and they are awesome. Tomorrow I want to wear one of my t-shirt surgery tees and attack the world with sass. I want to make my triumphant return tomorrow. *fingers crossed*

pet, school, :), life, depression, nyu, sullivan, happy, fish

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