fic: The Kids From Yesterday - 1/-

Feb 23, 2011 20:45

Title: The Kids From Yesterday
Fandom(s): Doctor Who/Killjoys (My Chemical Romance)
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for season 5 of Doctor Who, "Na Na Na" and "Sing".
Characters/Pairings: The Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, The Killjoys (My Chemical Romance)
Summary: "Look alive, sunshine! 109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit.  You're hear with me, Dr. Death Defying.  I'll be your surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter. Pumping out the slaughter-matic sounds to keep you alive. A system failure for the masses, anti-matter for the master plan. Louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny.  This one's for all you rock and rollers; all you crash queens and motorbabies. Listen up! The future is bulletproof! The aftermath is secondary! Its time to do it now, and do it loud.  Killjoys, make some noise!"

"What the hell is a motorbaby?"

Rory Williams sat on one of the many steps within the TARDIS, specifically the fourth step up from the console. His elbows rested on denim covered legs and a smile found a home on his face. In all the years he knew Amelia Pond, she was only ever truly happy with adventure in her life. He understood now that this was where she, where they, belonged. On the TARDIS, with the Doctor, adventures in time and space. “Where to now, Doctor?” he asked excitedly.

“Let’s see what calls out.” The Doctor smirked and flicked a small red switch. The room filled with a loud static sound. Voices came and went as the Doctor turned a blue knob on the console. He stopped suddenly when he heard a voice clearly. The Doctor seemed just as shocked as Amy and Rory, though they were more shocked because the Doctor was.

Rory pulled himself to his feet. “Look alive sunshine,” the voice said.

“This thing’s never worked. It was a joke.”

“Ssshhh,” Amy snapped.

“109 in the sky but the pigs won’t quit. You’re here with me, Dr. Death Defying.”

“Oh, I hardly think he’s a doctor,” the Time Lord muttered over the phantom voice.

“Shut up! Neither are you!”

“That’s diff-” Amy’s scowl cut him off.

“A system failure for the masses; anti-matter for the master plan. Louder than God’s revolver and twice as shiny.” Rory and Amy exchanged confused and skeptical glances. “This one’s for all you rock and rollers, all you crash queens and motorbabies. Listen up! The future is bulletproof! The aftermath is secondary!”

After that the message faded away back to static. “What was that?” Rory looked back and forth between Amy and the Doctor. Both were staring at the console.

“That doesn’t make any sense,” the Doctor whispered.

“I know. What the hell a motorbaby?” Rory asked.

“What?” The Doctor glanced at Rory for a second before crawling under the console. “No, not that. That was clearly a term of endearment for this fraudulent doctor’s listeners. What doesn’t make sense is, that this radio never worked. How did that get through?”

“What’d you press the button for then?” Amy asked.

“That? That was just for show.” The Doctor to the sonic screwdriver out of his pocked. “None of this makes any sense. There doesn’t seem to be anything unique about the transmission. Simple radio signal.”

“The picture on the telly comes and goes sometimes. Maybe its-”

“There you are,” the Doctor interrupted Rory. He had a smile on his face. The kind of smile that told Rory and Amy that they were about to embark on something incredible.

“I’m going to regret this,” Amy muttered, “but what did you find?”

For a moment the Doctor said nothing (which was often worse than explanations). Instead, he popped up from under the floor and bounded to the console. He pulled one of the screens. On it was a blinking dot. “I found the exact spot in space and time that the message originated from. Why don’t we figure out what that was then,” he said excitedly. The TARDIS wurred and shook them back and forth for a good few minutes before it finally stopped.

“Where are we?” Amy asked.

The Doctor looked at his screens. “California,” he told her. “October 27, 2019 to be exact.” The smile faded from his face slightly. He looked up as Amy and Rory headed for the door. He ran his fingers through his hair, took a deep breath then followed them out into the California sun.

Once outside, he watched Amy and Rory’s reactions and took in their surroundings. “We’re… in a desert,” Rory said disappointedly.

“There’s more to California than just Los Angeles, Rory.” The Doctor looked at them and laughed while Amy simply pouted. It was bright and hot. To their right was a rundown diner and to their left, a beat up old car. A spider (among many other things) was painted across the hood. Rory was about to comment on how “awesome” it was, but never got the chance.

“Who the fuck are you?”

The Doctor turned slowly and was met by the barrel of what looked like a plastic toy gun. But the Doctor saw the burns on the gun. He saw the look on the face of the man holding the gun. It was no toy. “Is that really necessary?” the Doctor asked, taking note of the man’s vibrant red hair.

“Depends,” the red haired man answered. “Who the fuck are you?”

“I’m the Doctor. This is Amy and Rory,” he said pointing first to Rory then to Amy. The Doctor paused. “Amy,” he said this time motioning to Amy. “And Rory.” Both smiled as he introduced them.

The red haired man looked at the two of them. When his eyes met Amy’s she gasped but said nothing, though her eyes instantly flicked over to the three men standing behind him. One was dressed in yellow and black, one sleeve rolled up and he had tattoos on his arms and hands. He had black hair that was a bit long and fell in his face, and big brown eyes. He was standing to the left of the red haired man, who still had the yellow gun pointed at the Doctor. To the right was a taller thin blonde man. He wore a yellow and black shirt under a red leather jacket. The tallest of them, with big curly dark hair, was standing behind the blonde.

“You really can put that down.”

The red haired man looked at the blonde, who nodded, then lowered the gun.

“And you lot are?” the Doctor asked.

“How did you get here?”

“I asked first.”

“I’ve got a gun.”

“I don’t care.”

The man sighed and rolled his eyes. “Party Poison,” he said pointing to himself. “Kobra Kid.” He motioned to the blonde.

“Mikey?” Amy blurted out. Everyone looked at her, the red haired man was ready to draw his gun again. “Mikey Way?” She smirked and walked forward, placing herself between the Doctor and the man with the bright red hair. “And you,” she said pressing her index finger against the man’s chest with confidence. “Are Gerard Way.”

The two men she identified exchanged worried glances. “Inside,” the red haired man said, motioning towards the diner.

The Doctor agreed it would be best to discuss things inside so he nodded and he, Amy, and Rory headed inside. Once inside, Mikey took Amy’s arm and pulled her to the side. “How do you know my name?”

“What are you talking about? Look, its cool that you’re so humble, but-”

“No, you don’t understand,” he interrupted. Mikey looked up and saw everyone watching them.

“But you’re in a band… a rather famous one at that. How does no one know who you are?”

“Nuclear explosion, war. A lot of shit’s happened since then.” Gerard paused, as if what he was about to say was painful. When he spoke his voice reflected that. “My Chemical Romance hasn’t existed for a long time. We’re the only ones now that actually call each other by name.”

“How do you know who we are?” Mikey asked.

Amy looked to the Doctor for guidance. He nodded so she began to speak. “We’re-”

“Wait, I’m sorry, did you say nuclear explosion?”

“Yes,” Gerard answered. “And a war.”

“No no. That’s not right.” The Doctor ran his hand through his hair and began pacing. “That can’t be right. When?”

“Year’s ago,” Mikey answered.

“But when exactly.”

“My birthday. Eight years ago.”

“Thank you.” The Doctor spun around and looked down at the man who spoke. “Thank you…..”


“Yes, thank you Frank. Wait, when’s your birthday?”

“Halloween,” Amy answered.

“How do you know that,” Frank asked exasperatedly.

“I’m a fan,” Amy answered with a shrug. “Sorta.”

“Sorta,” Rory snapped at her. “You made me learn bass because of him,” he shouted, pointing at Mikey. “‘Bassists are hot’ you said! 'Women love bassists!'” Mikey looked down and blushed slightly.

“Rory, shut up,” Amy muttered stomping on Rory’s foot. He face was turning so red it was beginning to match Gerard’s hair.

“A fan of what exactly,” Ray asked. “There hasn’t been anything to be a fan of in years.”

“Who are you,” Gerard asked again.

“The Doctor.”

“Doctor who?”

“Just the Doctor.”

“What kind of name is that?”

“What kind of name is Gerard?” Everyone stared blankly at the Doctor and he looked back at Amy. “No, that doesn’t work does it?”


“We’re time…” Rory paused, and cleared his throat, as he pushed himself in between Amy and Mikey. “We’re time travelers,” he said confidently. This time it was Rory’s turn to be met by blank stares.

“Impossible,” Gerard answered quickly.

“Not entirely,” the Doctor said. “Just,” he paused and looked over the group of them, pulling at Gerard’s red hair. “Just a bit above your pay grade.”

Gerard glared at the Doctor. “All right, so where… when are you from?”

“Well, they’re from 2010.”

“And you?”

“I’m a bit more complicated. Look, that doesn’t matter.”

“There’s a box outside. Why is there a phonebooth outside?” The voice belonged to a young girl with incredible curly hair. She appeared from behind Mikey. “What’d you do,” she asked looking up at the blonde.

“Oh hello,” the Doctor said with a smile. “What’s you’re name?” The little girl stared but said nothing. “I’m the Doctor.” He ruffled her hair. “I love your hair.”

“You’re bow tie looks stupid,” she countered.

“No it doesn’t,” he said quickly. “Bow ties are cool.”

“Whatever.” Grace rolled her eyes and walked passed the Doctor.

“Where did you get that,” the Doctor snapped suddenly.

Grace stopped and took a step behind Gerard. “What?” Gerard asked.

“That vest. Where did she get it?”

“I made it,” she said quietly, peaking out from behind Gerard.

“Why?” Gerard asked, a very apparent protective tone to his voice.

The Doctor paused for a moment, trying to formulate a suitable lie. “Its cool.”

Everyone gave him a skeptical look and he simply shrugged. “So why is there a phonebooth outside?”

“It’s the TARDIS,” the Doctor said with a proud smile. “Its not important. I-”

“Gee,” Ray interrupted.

Gerard turned towards his tall, curly-haired companion. Ray was standing next to a table with a radio (with the word “boom” written on it). “Look alive, sunshine.”

“THAT!,” the Doctor shouted excitedly. “What is that?!”

“A radio,” Frank answered.

“I know that Frodo.”


“Whatever. Who is that?”

“A friend,” Gerard answered. The message went on to say something about Killjoys. It mentioned someone named Korse and how the Dracs were closing in on the Killjoys’ location. “Shit,” Gerard muttered.

Frank rushed passed the Doctor, without a word, and to the table where Grace was sitting. Mikey looked down at Amy before he sighed and helped the others get packed.

crossover, fic: kids from yesterday, music: my chemical romance, , tv: doctor who

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