Fingers Crossed

Jul 25, 2012 21:23

On my way home today, the train had their windows open when it was pulling into the station. Which is a blessing, usually the windows are closed and when boarding the train. It's like stepping into hot furnace or an oven - so to speak. Being in an office all day is not cool, but personally I just want to get home at the end of the day rather than hang about. As today it's was particularly hot, 31 centigrade = 87.8 degrees. You know what would be cool right now? Torrential rain - Just saying xD

I think the amount of general public is now being outnumbered by the amount of people working for the Olympics. I see the people in their 'uniforms' and massive ID card around their neck everywhere I turn lately. The uniform looks O.K. but could be better designed, as they look like something you wear for a team building exercise in Sainsbury's.

This morning on the bus, looking at the traffic. The cycle count is increasing, and so are the amblers wandering through the City (i.e walking along engrossed with their phones and walking stupidly and slowly). I saw two newbies to Southeastern getting confused with the tickets machine. Anyway pulling into London Bridge, which has brought its usual eclectic mix of ladies & gentlemen. There was this one particular lady, who was loud as they always seem to be. Gabbing on about utter rubbish and doing it so loudly like we are meant to give a thought. It is like watching a one sided episode of Jeremy Kyle when these idiots get going - which makes it less interesting as you can’t hear the response from the other person.

Story of my life - Image Source:

Well I'll leave you all a wonderful quote, in the Evening Standard that sums up G4S debacle:

"Oh just ignore them mate, they haven't got a clue. It's like working with bloody children."

An Army officer on his G4S Security guard colleagues wrongly directing traffic on the first day of Olympic lane coming into operation.

uniforms, jeremy kyle, evening standard, olympics, southeastern, friday, tickets machine, hot furnace,, id card, an oven, centigrade, windows, security guard, national rail, army officer, show, g4s, thursday, 31, sainsburys. train, monday, olympic lane, saturday, london bridge, wednesday, sunday, tuesday, degrees

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