forlornslayer will KILL me... I can't help it XD It was the first name that popped up!!! ... Actually, so will
destiny_lynn and many other people.
Stalking is illegal. plueonigiri confronts silfa.
silfa is stalking plueonigiri
silfa’s REAL name :
Dave Rumpf
silfa’s REAL DOB :
23rd November 1973
Height :157 cm
Weight : 86.3 kg
silfa has dreamt about you :
21 times
silfa became interested in you :
11th January 2004
silfa’s latest dream about you
After a brief rendezvous in a unisex spa, the two lovers decide to make kittens behind an unattended reception desk. 5 minutes into the experience David Hasselhoff mysteriously appears at the desk with his hand resting casually on the side of his cheek trying to surpress the grin that by-now has engulfed his face. He steals a glimpse of your genetalia before disappearing as quickly as he came.
This is how silfa describes your relationship behind your back
‘We’re star-crossed lovers! We could not possibly be in love anymore than we already are.’
silfa’s been stealing stuff from your house too.
silfa has a vast collection of plueonigiri’s mothers cuttlery lying around their bedroom. For some reason only known to God
They’ve even started modifying their body for you
In a night of sheer angst silfa carved ‘plueonigiri’ into their forehead with a set of bakers tongs.
They sent the following message to you in a Valentines
I think I’ve just creamed myself thinking about you. There’s no tissue paper in the house to clear up the mess so I’ve used this card instead.
The Police
No. calls to the police :
13 times
Your Last Call to The Police
"Look, I need help now. A friend of mine is on top of my roof and they’re threatening to kill themselves unless I accept their marriage proposal. Fuck! I just heard a massive thud! Jesus they’ve done it!"
silfa’s Police File
silfa makes Mark Champman look well-adjusted.
Testimonies about silfa
starofsorrow - A boring stoner
‘I always suspected silfa was a little weird, but never THIS weird.’
shunfujiwara - Loves staring at dead bodies
‘Fucking hell! This is hilarious for all the wrong reasons. plueonigiri should really be in hospital receiving X-rays to the head.’
vergil_kun - Rotten heathen
‘Neurotic, depressing and royally fucked up are only three of the possible phrases I could use to describe both silfa and plueonigiri. Chances are plueonigiri’s just made all of this shit up again.’
seaotterish - Snorts Lucozade tablets
’silfa and I never saw eye-to-eye. And I’m glad now we didn’t. What a fucking creep.’
Stalkers are twats. A cautionary tale from plueonigiri.
a_songfor_xx is stalking plueonigiri
a_songfor_xx’s REAL name :
Maynard Rosas
a_songfor_xx’s REAL DOB :
10th October 1987
Height :184 cm
Weight : 118.5 kg
a_songfor_xx has dreamt about you :
15 times
a_songfor_xx became interested in you :
22nd April 2003
a_songfor_xx’s latest dream about you
a_songfor_xx and plueonigiri are the first astronauts to colonize Mars. Instead of concentrating on colonial issues, the two young lovebirds instead spend their hours making passionate love on top of Olympus Mons.
This is how a_songfor_xx describes your relationship behind your back
‘I thought it was love. But obviously it wasn’t. plueonigiri told me that never wanted to see me ever again. Suicide is the only option now. Goodbye sweet world.’
a_songfor_xx’s been stealing stuff from your house too.
a_songfor_xx has a vast collection of plueonigiri’s mothers cuttlery lying around their bedroom. For some reason only known to God
They’ve even started modifying their body for you
a_songfor_xx has plueonigiri tattooed right across their chest.
They sent the following message to you in a Valentines
I wanna be your dog baby. Woof fucking woof, I’m coming to get you in my sheepskin jacket.
The Police
No. calls to the police :
22 times
Your Last Call to The Police
"I think there’s a bomb in our house. My friend left a rucksack in here and I can hear ticking."
a_songfor_xx’s Police File
We are sincerely worried about a_songfor_xx’s future. We believe that it has the potential to kill at least 10 people.
Testimonies about a_songfor_xx
cielelric - A boring stoner
‘Ahhh none of this is new to me. plueonigiri’s been telling me about a_songfor_xx’s antics for ages now. I don’t honestly know why it has put up with it for so long.’
destiny_lynn - Fart N Flirt
‘Dear God! I knew a_songfor_xx was a right thieving bastard but I didn’t know they were such a skank. plueonigiri is a bit of a sucker really.’
miura_mika - Dry your eyes
‘Neurotic, depressing and royally fucked up are only three of the possible phrases I could use to describe both a_songfor_xx and plueonigiri. Chances are plueonigiri’s just made all of this shit up again.’
gan_sakura - O’Vomit-a-lot
‘I always suspected a_songfor_xx was a little weird, but never THIS weird.’
Stalking is illegal. plueonigiri confronts destiny_lynn.
destiny_lynn is stalking plueonigiri
destiny_lynn’s REAL name :
Terence Follet
destiny_lynn’s REAL DOB :
29th June 1975
Height :180 cm
Weight : 106.9 kg
destiny_lynn has dreamt about you :
14 times
destiny_lynn became interested in you :
02nd January 2006
destiny_lynn’s latest dream about you
You are stranded with destiny_lynn on a deserted island and your stalker is trying to coax you towards sex by hoarding all of the food and refusing to give you any until you give in to their wishes.
This is how destiny_lynn describes your relationship behind your back
‘I think plueonigiri is a little intimidated about my obsession over her but I’ll soon win her over on the dancefloor with my kinky dancemoves!’
destiny_lynn’s been stealing stuff from your house too.
Your cat didn’t run away plueonigiri, destiny_lynn is holding it captive!
They’ve even started modifying their body for you
destiny_lynn spent a worrying amount of money tattooing your name, spelt in chinese symbols down the side of their legs.
They sent the following message to you in a Valentines
I wanna be your dog baby. Woof fucking woof, I’m coming to get you in my sheepskin jacket.
The Police
No. calls to the police :
5 times
Your Last Call to The Police
"Dear Jesus no! Send around a squad car quick, I’ve just killed someone. Their name is destiny_lynn. Stop bloody laughing! That’s their real name! destiny_lynn threatened to kill me on multiple occasions and they came around tonight to finish off the job so I used my lava lamp in self defense and now the bastards on the ground without a pulse."
destiny_lynn’s Police File
destiny_lynn is a dangerous psychopath who will not let anything get in their way. Particularly the law.
Testimonies about destiny_lynn
flat_foot - Loves staring at dead bodies
‘I use the word cunt sparingly - it’s more effective that way. I’ve spent all morning texting destiny_lynn, with that word playing a key role in most of my messages.’
vergil_kun - Car wreck of a human
‘I’ve known them both for a long time and I can safely say I’ve never met such a pair of nutjobs in my life. All of these claims are bullshit.’
cluelesschase - Lord of the Irn-Bru
‘Neurotic, depressing and royally fucked up are only three of the possible phrases I could use to describe both destiny_lynn and plueonigiri. Chances are plueonigiri’s just made all of this shit up again.’
yzlu - Sister Stabatha
‘It just goes to show that the world is full of sick, twisted perverts. I’m gonna fucking kill destiny_lynn!’
Stalkers are twats. A cautionary tale from plueonigiri.
renkun14 is stalking plueonigiri
renkun14’s REAL name :
Fleming Mortimer
renkun14’s REAL DOB :
26th June 1980
Height :170 cm
Weight : 92.5 kg
renkun14 has dreamt about you :
19 times
renkun14 became interested in you :
17th February 2004
renkun14’s latest dream about you
renkun14 dreamt that you had got married to another person. renkun14 produced a shotgun at the ceremony, blowing off your partners head before they could complete their vows with a close-range shot.
This is how renkun14 describes your relationship behind your back
‘My god! plueonigiri is hot as fuck. I want to get her into bed so I can nibble away at their earlobes all night long!’
renkun14’s been stealing stuff from your house too.
renkun14 enjoys collecting plueonigiri’s dead pets for a living.
They’ve even started modifying their body for you
renkun14 recently spent a months salary, tattooing your head onto the inside of both of their thighs.
They sent the following message to you in a Valentines
I love you darling. Shall we organise our funeral arrangements soon? We wouldn’t want to be buried without one another would we?
The Police
No. calls to the police :
9 times
Your Last Call to The Police
"Police? Look that fucker renkun14 is still harassing me. I got another valentines card smeared in blood today again. Can’t you do something about this? I’m starting to become scared for my life."
renkun14’s Police File
It is only a matter of time before we encover a mass of decomposed bodies within renkun14’s refridgerator.
Testimonies about renkun14
tsukinotenshi - The resident slapper
‘renkun14 and I never saw eye-to-eye. And I’m glad now we didn’t. What a fucking creep.’
sizerazrael - Loves staring at dead bodies
‘I’m gonna kill plueonigiri for being such a snide fucker. Who does it think it is? I’d love to give her a right slap in the chops! renkun14 is a brilliant person.’
bunnychan86 - Pig-hustler
‘Boring. I know plueonigiri and renkun14 really love each other. They are both just seeking attention. Just get married and stop the fucking games already! Jesus!’
cluelesschase - Snorts Lucozade tablets
‘I don’t really have that many enemies - but renkun14 is definitely one of them now.’
... Cut that, I think MANY people will kill me XD BUT I CAN'T HELP ITTTTT >w< As
dustyhawk said... It's ROFLABLE :D