May 28, 2005 21:33
I have been silent for weeks now. In an attempt to get somewhat up to date, I will give a brief day-by-day synopsis of each day, working off of my memories and my calendar entries. It probably won't make much sense to most, but... this is my journal! I can do whatever I like.
Lemony Snicket has a distinct feel of absurd theater.
I am finally on a constant haircut plan, to prevent my hair from growing vertically when it hits my ears.
I still can't bowl at all, but at least I still enjoy trying.
Napolean Dynamite is good, but hardly worth the status and acclaim that it's received.
Dad is back from his business trip. It's not particularly newsworthy, but nothing else happened today.
Went to a LAN party. Had a lot of interesting chats, especially with Joan.
Pentecost. Saw When Harry Met Sally. Found out that my dad liked the movie.
Something happened during the next two days, but I failed to write it on my calendar. It is now lost to time.
Made fondue. It was chocolate, but luckily not too rich. Rich chocolate is bad. Rich anything is bad. Vanilla is the only safe choice.
Went to Christine's surprise birthday. Enjoyed the look of surprise on her face when she came in the door.
Ate at Uno's Chicago Grill. Second best steak I have ever tasted (best being my dad's). Saw Star Wars III for the first time, with Paige.
Went to church for Saturday night meal, but didn't eat anything because I already ate at home immediately beforehand.
Saw Star Wars III for the second time, with family. Spoke with Jennifer Cox, for the first time in several years. Had a good time.
Saw Star Wars III for the third time, with Shaun. Am now bored of movie, but still have to see it one more time, with dad.
Got cable internet AT LAST. Had a busy day of many activities. Ran something like a mile, but dehydration wiped me out. At least I still have the proper technique and knowledge, just not the stamina.
Saw the Interpreter. I guessed the surprise ending early on. Not a bad movie, but has a tiny crucial storyline flaw, in my opinion.