Feb 10, 2011 17:18
[ hi, Goldenrod, this Princess hasn't been out and about lately. Mainly because it is REALLY hard to do Valentine's stuff when you share a room with your best friends, so she's had to wait until they head out before she locks herself in the room for a few hours. But surprise, Kairi's outside today and just as bundled as she's been this winter. Obviously this means her Togepi's called shotgun in her hood again, and the girl herself is near the fence by the radio tower and the ocean, just looking out at the water.
... Until she remembers that she turned the 'gear on for a reason. ]
Oh, hi! I just wanted to let everyone know, in case they didn't, Sora's back and okay now! Thanks to everybody for all the help looking for him.
[ it looks like there's more she wants to add, but she hesitates... and then, slowly-- ] I've been listening to everyone talk about the festival that's coming up, and...
... Is it true that you've got to have a date? I don't have a dress, either...
[ this is why you don't listen to Whitney and her gossiping gal pals, Kairi. ]
i'll never go to the ball,
pondering ponderous stuff,
this isn't about logic,
princess of derp,
hearts hearts and more hearts,
when you walk away,
snow white never had this problem