Sep 28, 2015 10:17
I got sidelined this week by the fact that Toni and I are now organising a hallowe'en party for the local area, so I've got various other things to do now.
Still, on the things I completed, I can now tick knitting a thing (the cat for Dorien) and basing a 40k army off the list for creative, as well as getting a shower curtain from the house list. Army is almost built too, just requires me to get a few more things together then that's done. Painting will take a bit longer, but I'm kind of aware that my skill at painting isn't huge, so painting is so that the models look decent, not high quality.
All this is on hold till I'm capable of doing more than sitting on the sofa and trying not to cry, obviously. :(
Make my hallowe'en costume
Make a present
Make Ceri's hallowe'en costume (Audrey has decided she wants one they already own)
Build an army
Paint an army
Knit another thing
Sew a dress which is actually a dress and not actually for larp
Knit a third thing
Work through fabric mountain
Work through wool stash
Mend the tent bag
Glue leather to Ceri's headband
Mend Audrey's dress
Make a kit tent
Make Alan some ork kit for monstering
Look at Alan and my Dawnish kit and see how best to improve it.
Improve Dawnish kit.
Tidy the craft cupboard
Buy better secateurs
Cut back the ivy
Cut back the front garden
Dismantle wardrobe
Build new wardrobe
Put up shelves
Make a list for the door of everything to remember each morning
Organise a larp kit for sale
Deep cleaning bathroom ceiling