Mar 21, 2005 11:13
You know maybe it's the fact that I worked 70 + hours in 6 days last week and that I've been in bed sick as a dog since Saturday because of it. Called off work today and will tomorrow, finally found a few seconds where I actually could sit upright and check email since I hadn't in several days and all I find is people bitching about the DEI swap.
God I wish I had so little going on in my life that I could worry about this 24/7 like so many people are. I slept through most of the race yesterday but saw that Mikey finished around 7th and Dale Jr 24th. Why is that a horrible day? We are only a few races into season and both Mikey and Dale have had DNF's so if they both finished top 25 it's better than not finishing.
The "Swap"? Yeah cause Mikey got the good end of that deal. If I'm not mistaken he was driving one of Junior's cars that blew up in the 500 with 40 laps to go and Dale went on to get what 3rd? This was the first race that Mikey had done well, and it was Jr's old cars that were crap for him. So this whole Dale getting crap cars is a bad deal is bull. And anyway, how could either driver get 'bad' cars if the teams had always been equal like all Dale's little followers said they were.
I think all this swap has done is prove DEI has played favorite's for years. None of the DEI cars are doing all that great and all that proves is that their heads got a little too big for the cars they are trying to build. Perhaps they should look at their engine package and see what they are doing wrong. Everyone assumed that the championship would be handed to Dale Jr in the first race this season and I hope he does win it but I want him to have to crawl, scratch, and fight his way to the top.
And for those of you wondering what DEI was thinking....Dale Jr has come out more than once and said the swap was basically his and Tony Jr.'s idea because they couldn't work together anymore without fighting. And even if it was Teresa's idea completly don't you think she knows a little more about running a multi-million dollar company than a bunch of us who just sit on our butts watching races on Sunday.
Getting more drugs and heading back to bed.
***Jules....I'll eventually get your new chapters of Trinity up on the site...Job 1 is now dead and the track is picking up but I shouldn't have too many more 17 hour days like I had this past week. So I should get caught up in the next week or two. Love the new chapter by the way.***