Jan 09, 2007 08:05
On a random whim..come on, who has scheduled whims...I decided to check live journal and realized that months have gone by since I last posted.
Most Recent
Job interview at Stanford University assisting those who poke dead things with a stick. One of the three interviewers actually said "I like to keep my chickens happy." Was my comb sticking out of my hair again?
Hopefully we'll get our own stuff soon...like today, like in the deal. Once get settled then rental house warming thingy.
Nearly finished Master's thesis, waiting on the last of my committee to comment and need to finish a powerpoint presentation to accompany finished product. Hope to graduate this month!
Got passal o' chickeny goodness. Free Range Chicken Poop lip gloss, a small squeezing chicken, silver/brown/enameled chicken charm bracelet, and the riding of the unicycle book.
Had a good new year, with fireworks and fun music.
Last Year
Moved to lodging, then moved to another lodging, then moved to another lodging, then moved to another lodging, then an empty house. Bought some stuff for house, waiting for own stuff in house.
Flew to Alabama, anger, happiness, clothing, faint acceptance, just plain strange.