is it 5 yet?

Sep 15, 2009 15:07

My boss has left the building.

No, really, she went to a meeting at the county so I have at least an hour of freedom to update. -claps hands-

I'm having a day. One of those where the smallest of things would probably frustrate me to bits & pieces if my brain were actually working. I can't wait to go home. Yesterday was another 7 pm departure and it seems like the day after one of those, I'm too tired to function properly. It would also seem that I'm only capable of posting when I'm on the brink of exhaustion resulting in ridiculous and incoherent livejournal posts. Either that, or I've just been nothing but exhausted lately, but its definitely one of those two...

Anyway, on with it.

Work has been busy, but I can't honestly say that there's been a time in the past year or so when work hasn't been busy for me. I always seem to get on board @ these jobs and start asking for all of these responsibilities right off the bat. Its really quite foolish to try to "over achieve" (for lack of a better term) in the work place, but, still I never seem to quite learn that lesson. Over achieving only gets you more work, less pay & a higher standard to live by. One of these days, I'll learn my lesson, I'm sure. Its a thankless world.

Don't mind me, I had a hectic weekend and I still haven't recovered. I get cranky when I don't have recovery time. I had to make 2 trips down to Miami this past weekend, which I absolutely hate doing. Ugh. The first trip down was to see my friend Patty (who I adore) and pick out a dress for Kat to use in her wedding. We successfully picked out and purchased the dresses so the trip down was productive and Patty made it perfectly bearable. At 5 PM, I had to haul boot[y] back to coral springs to attend this bowling fundraiser/sponsorship event with my boss & her husband. Once that ended, I dragged the boy off to see a late showing of 9. I only have one comment about that: the animation was nothing short of amazing. Then on Sunday, I had to run back down to miami, but I got to have a late lunch with Daddy, so it was worth the drive. We went to my favorite thai place and had a grand old time. Still, I got home at 9ish & by then, I was pretty drained. Whatever. As they say, I guess I'll be able to sleep when I'm dead, no?

On September 17th, I have my very first parent teacher conference at Kat's school. I'm curious & concerned about why the teacher would need to meet with me so early into the year. I suspect it won't be good news. I guess we'll just have to wait until Thursday to find out. Thursday at 7:30 AM. What a God-forsaken hour.

As far as my schooling goes, I'm down to the last 15 days of this course & I am, of course, spazzing out. My "professor" (if you can call her that) e-mailed me this week to advise me of the option to "buy" more time on the course: three months for the low low price of $500. Bargain, eh? /scoff. I might just end up doing it because its either that or lose the 7gs that my dad paid out on the course when we signed up. Its a no-brainer. Still, it pains me b/c a.) I'm not that far from finishing and I know I won't need the entire 3 months & b.) I've been incredibly displeased with this course from the get-go. Its been nothing but problems. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody. But I guess you live & learn, right?

I'm actually thinking about taking Kat to Disney on Ice again this weekend. Well, the thinking part has mostly passed & I've pretty much decided to take Kat. She always has a good time there & it would be nice to have some alone time with her.

Oh, i'd also like to mention that, finally, after 6+ years of marriage, 5 of which were spent separated(lol), I am actively in the process of a divorce. Please, hold your applause.
And if any nosy-non-friends still read this journal, I'm sure I can provide you with scumbag's contact info if you're interested so that you can, as you all say, "hollar". Right? Kids still say "hollar", right? Yeahhhh, I hear he's quite the catch these days, lol. Lol. LOL.
Sorry, I thought I might be able to type that with a straight face, but it didn't happen.
My petition was filed last month and his answer was sent maybe a week ago so the ball is certainly rolling on this. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. its a pretty even split between happy & relieved, actually.

Also in my good news category - Gossip Girl is back. Yay! It was a long summer without my favorite upper-east siders. Gossip Girl + Moes Monday gives my life purpose. Ha, just kidding. That's my little heathen's job. Dur.

The next few months promise to be busy busy busy. October is my birthday month & that's usually well-celebrated. On Halloween weekend, I'll be heading up to NC. Toss in there some holidays and baby showers and birthday parties & I'm booked. November is the New Moon premier! That's gonna be the highlight of my YEAR. December, I'm heading back to NC with some cool chicks. I'm stoked.

Stay tuned for birthday plans. I'm actually in the mood to socialize this year lol.
And in case I forgot to mention this -- my boyfriend is awesome. But that's not new news.

Anyway, I better wrap this up before bosslady arrives. I already have the work she requested stacked in neat little piles & ready to go. I'm so efficient.

friends, kat, school, vacation, work, family, weekend

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