She can't be trusted..

Apr 03, 2008 19:19

The new job is going well. So far, so good, anyway. My co-workers seem really nice, and that includes my offic-emate, Cheryene. She's really cool, and my same age, so that's kind of neat. We share an office with a window. Can you say "upgrade"? Go on...say it with me. Okay, fine. Don't. My desk is looking quite cute, if I may say so myself. I went and splurged on cute office supplies to make my area my own.
The work seems simple enough, once you get the hang of it. The boss hasn't had one of her epic/notorious spaz-outs yet, but she's been in Tally all week, so I guess we've all been spared up to this point. She comes back to tomorrow.

Story time:
On Monday, boss-lady walks over to the 3 of us (clerical staff), asking who would volunteer to take her to the rental car place and take her car back to her house. I volunteer fairly quickly, and we set off. All the way there and all the way back, the conversation was going smoothly, so it wasn't awkward or anything, which was a plus. We pull up to her place, and she says "Let me get my car into my garage and we'll head out". I scoot out of the way to let her into her car, and all of a sudden I hear "pppfftttthhhh". She totally farted. Right there, in front of me. She goes "Oh my God, yeah, well, that was embarrassing" and chuckles. It was all I could do not to just fall on my ass laughing right there. I assured her that it was totally fine, not a big deal, and she goes "well, I guess you're getting to know me reaaal well, Kristen". LOL again. We then proceeded to talk about farting the whole way back to the office. It was a moment. It definitely soothed my nerves a little about working with her, because at least she has some sort of a sense of humor. Good times.

In other good news, Pam has e-mailed me, easily, over 25 times in the last 3 days. People were saying that she's drowning in work, and looks like she's about ready to throw herself out of a window. I almost felt kind of bad for her, but then I remembered, oh yeah! She's a bitch. Bad feeling gone. That was easy.

Le boss has made it a point to sign me up for 2 luncheons and a walk already, and it's only my first week. I think I can really start to dig this gig. Today was lunch number one. It was a luncheon to support the 2-1-1 call-in service in Broward. There were a bunch of people there and we were one of the sponsors. Free food and desert and an excuse to get out of the office for a few hours, I was soooo there. So we went to this lunch and they were holding an auction, right? Well, nothing really interested me in that whole auction thing UNTILLL they announced that they were auctioning the plasma TV they had on display there. HEEEEEH. I came home with a 42" Samsung plasma TV. No more auctions/luncheons for me, man. I clearly have no self control.

I watched Brokeback Mountain last night. I didn't like the movie. It made me sad and stuff. It was like one crappy thing after another happening to these guys, and it's just a heart-string-tugger. I don't like movies that end up making me feel that depressed after watching it. I don't think I'll be watching it ever again, so if anyone wants the DVD or something, let me know.

In other news, there is no other news. On the horizon: Sarah's wedding, Kat's birthday and FINALLY -- a trip to NY. Long overdue.
The dresses for Sarah's wedding should be in soon, I hope, and then mine will need to be altered seeing as how it's probably about 3 sizes too big on me now.

Kat's birthday should be booked by the end of this week. We're taking her to Disney World and she already has an appointment at the Bibity Bop Boutique (though I think I mentioned that). They do special things for birthday kids at the resorts, and I think I picked out the resort we'll be staying in already. I just need to consult with everyone else coming along. Funny thing -- when I told her supposed father about the birthday plans and my need to have her on that weekend, he got all pouty. Apparently, he wanted to take her to Disney. I then had to mention that I'm still waiting for the money he's completely BACKED UP ON. We're 2 months behind again. He hasn't been caught up a single time in 2008, but he wants to go to Disney. Good priorities! He then mentioned perhaps meeting Jeff and I at the park the weekend we go. LOLOLOLOL! LOL!! LOLOLOL!! Yeah, let me go on and spend that thousand dollars to get to Disney just to spend the weekend with you and your girlfriend while I foot the bill for the child. Um, wait, let me think about this a seco..NO. Bank of Kristen has CLOSED.

Anyway, that's my update and I'm sticking to it.


birthdays, kat, gadgets, work

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