route_29 Application

May 24, 2021 22:00

Name: Ally
Livejournal Username: ilikethequiet
AIM/MSN: aim: timeconverges
Timezone: GMT+12
Current Characters in Route: Adam Monroe | Heroes | olderthanjohto

Name: Her Royal Highness Princess Peach Toadstool
Series: Super Mario Bros.
Timeline: During Super Mario Galaxy 2
Canon Resource Links: Here!

Personality: Princess Peach is definitely a girly girl, favoring the color pink and preferring her world to be filled with pretty things. She has a kind temperament, is loving and caring towards friends and friendly to the people in her kingdom, she is always looking out for everyone's best interests.

Peach was raised not to lose her cool in tough situations. She tries to work through problems diplomatically even when kidnapped by her enemies. (Which unfortunately, happens a lot.)

Don't let all that pink fool you though, she's by no means a fragile creature. With the right weapon she is a formidable foe and excels in many sports including go-kart racing, tennis, and various winter activities. When playing these games she plays to win, although she does like cheering her friends on as well.

When it comes to romance, Peach has lived a very sheltered existence. She has managed to strike up a firm friendship with Mario Mario, the savior of Mushroom Kingdom but it has never progressed past the friendship stage.

Speaking of her friends, Peach loves them dearly. There is nothing she wouldn't do to ensure their safety. She is very close to Mario, Toadsworth and Princess Daisy.

Peach is more of a nester, once she finds a nice place she will usually settle there for a while before moving on to the next challenge. She likes to enjoy the scenery and get to know the people she meets.



+ Kind
+ Cool-headed
+ Athletic
+ Fun-loving
+ Generous


+ Stubborn
+ Competitive
+ The relationships she has with others could most likely be used against her.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Cleffa
Password: Grape Jelly!


First Person Sample: This is certainly not the Mushroom Kingdom and yet part of me feels I belong here. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Pr-- [She pauses, perhaps mentioning her status to everyone listening is not a good idea. She smiles.] I'm Peach.

The information given to you when you first arrive is a lot to take in, isn't it? I spent all morning learning what I could about my new surroundings; The Pokégear is a fantastic resource, and it's pink! Looking at my options, I think trainer sounds like a good route for me to take.

So that is about it for the moment, I look forward to meeting many of you on my travels throughout this land.

Third Person Sample: Peach held the hands of the woman who had looked after her on her arrival in Johto and smiled "Thank you for being so kind, I hope we will meet again in the future."

With her goodbyes said, Peach started on the route out of town. Truth be told she was a little anxious; the world seemed quite big and it was certainly more wild than the Mushroom Kingdom was but Peach was never one to back down from a challenge, she was ready to start a new adventure and she was going to do so with the Cleffa she had acquired.

He was a funny little creature but Peach loved him from the moment she saw him and she knew that together they could do anything. He still needed a name though, she couldn’t call him Cleffa. She decided to think on it while she walked.

About twenty minutes into her hike to the next city over, Peach was happened upon by a wild Pidgey. At first Peach didn’t know what to do, she had read that Pokemon fight but her Cleffa was only a little baby, she wasn’t sure he was ready for this!

She took a breath, they could only try. If something bad happened she could easily take that potion out of her bag and give it to him.

Deciding she was going to do this, she pulled a pokéball from her bag “Come on Cleffa, let’s go!”

The little pink Pokémon popped out of his ball and awaited her direction.

Peach smiled and nodded “Okay Cleffa, use pound!”

She watched in wonder as he darted forward and lunged at the bird, flinching when he made contact. That had to hurt.

The wild Pidgey countered with a tackle but they weren’t defeated yet, Peach wet her lips “Cleffa, use pound!”

Cleffa pounded the bird again and to Peach’s surprise, it fainted. “Oh my.”


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