Oct 23, 2011 08:05
[Peach is in a different location today, still in Violet but she has taken over the Inn's kitchen to cook stuff for the upcoming Halloween celebrations. Kirby who has been sitting, helping her cook turns on her Pokégear.]
Kirby, what are you...? [She sees the Pokégear has been turned on and smiles.]
Well hello there everyone! This is a change, isn't it? I've traded training my Pokémon for the time being for an apron and a kitchen. I figure if I'm going to be making sweets and feast donations that I better get practising! Today I am doing sweets and I'm making cakes and cupcakes and biscuits and pies and and taffy and little candy pumpkins. Since this is a dry run if anyone has the hankering for some treats feel free to stop by and you can have some!
Also if you want to come by later in the week, I will need some taste testers to tell me how my turkey tasters.
clefairy: kirby,
!violet city,