Tenth Star [Video/Action Locked To Violet City]

Aug 29, 2011 21:58

[Peach turns on her pokégear and gives the views a wave.] Hi guys! It's so lovely to see you again. I'm still here in Violet City with my Pokémon and Daisy, this place is almost like a second home to me now.

So guess what? Both Kirby and Night evolved, I was so surprised! Kirby looks like a little pink starfish now, he's so cute and Night has turned into this beautiful large cat. I know that her former owner would be so proud of her.

We've been training so much lately, it seems never-ending but we are getting close to our goal of facing our first gym battle! I've made sure that everyone has reached the level 30 mark, do you think they have a chance of beating Faulkner yet?

After we complete that task I think we'll take a break for a while and see the sights on the way to the next city.

clefairy: kirby, persian: night, !violet city, !action

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