АнтиМедиа пьет кровь арт-кураторов.AntiMedia group drinks blood of curators speciale Berlin Biennale

Jul 17, 2012 11:32

we are made an ultra group for the world-famous hungarian chess player Lékó Péter.
it's a critical reflection to the ultra hooliganism.
you can see a video teaser here:
and a public space action here:

about the group:
Since 2006, Intermedia, MKE-University of Fine Art in Hungary
In the beginning we have set out some critics about the Intermedia department ,
the art scene and not at last about ourselves .

Main profile: disturbing exhibitions, exhibitions openings, surprise performances.
you can see more works from the group here:
and here:

Перформансы, berlin biennale proj., antimedia group, Акции

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