Okay, I have to get my eps a day late b/c on Mondays the room where the tv is kept is held hostage by my parent's small/cell/bible group from 7 to 9:30 & I hate coming into a show late. (btw, if you haven't seen something from Studio 60, please let me know & I'll upload it for you.)
Now first thing, the lobster costume! Nothing is better than seeing such randomness in the middle of a tense scene or just to break up the colors. In case you haven't noted, the show has a color palette. Yellows, oranges & a bit of green-blue, except in NBS HQ, where the colors are blues, grays, & oranges, & on the show as it's being filmed, then there are not rules with the colors probably b/c it's not reality then & everything is supposed to be good on-air. I love the colors, I wish more shows were as aware of the images & the themes that colors set. Stargate & other scifi does, which is just so much love there b/c those little things really do change you mind set & get you ready for whatever's coming up.
And wow, wasn't that weird. I'm the only person I know who can go from lobster-man to color themes....
Harry/Matt- I'm not a h/m shipper. I doubt I ever will be. But this was the h/m show. Everyone but Danny, Jordan, & maybe a few interns are all doing their damndest to protect the anti-couple from the big bad reporter (& failing b/c the reporter wants for h/m to be together again too.) I hope Danny falls for her, & she becomes a regular b/c I so <3 her. She's smart, wicked in all the best ways and sorta treats Matt like a little brother. And Harriet's past! Love backstory and I got so much out of this ep. We got not only massive Harry bstory, but also Matt's rise & just what Danny did when Matt was a staff writer.
Jordan! OMG, so <3 her so hard. She's got the best lines outside of DT & MA. She also was just so awesome as she bashed reality tv & her all in sloppy clothes at the start was great. I'm seriously thinking that there probably isn't anyone else in LA who could play her so well. The casting on this show is fantastic, everyone just fits their role & plays it to the hilt.
The "Nations" writer... what was his name... he was adorable, so cute & cowed by Danny as he just told him what to do after he stood up to Jordan. I hope we see more of him, b/c he reminded me for a moment of Peter Wingfield & that ain't a bad thing from where I'm sitting.
The last H/M scene- If I was a shipper, that would have killed me but I'm not, thank god. It was just so romantic & UST-filled.
I'm going to stop, go read the other squees & con-crits, then either I'll add more or I'll go on a comment spree.
(Anti-squee- I'm not fond of Sting.)