Title: Origins
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter & mentions of the Asgaard race.
Table: Astrological
Prompt: Leo.
Word Count: 701
Rating: T or PG for language
Summary: Harry Potter/ Stargate SG-1 X-Over- Everyone’s favorite Gryfindor finds out where the House Elves come from- the Asgaard.
Author's Notes: I’m bored. I wrote this earlier, & figured it fit. Besides, I couldn’t come up with anything new.
Hermione had railroaded him into this. Ron was busy setting up the nursery, running to grocers (both wizard and muggle), and pretty much acting as his very pregnant wife’s slave. Hermione wasn’t satisfied with just Ron doing her bidding though and she was very scary, and terrorized him into finding the origins of both the House Elves as a species and their slavery to wizards for SPEW.
Two weeks to find the books. Eleven days to finally pin down the language enough to translate, and now two days later he couldn’t stop laughing about it.
Originally there was a planet which was called Yggdrassil, it was sort of a Earth-like place and upon it lived the elves, giants, and spirits. Then as the elves started to really advance their technology (mainly in war and space travel) the spirits tried to warn them but were ignored and they took the giants through something called the Bifröst, or Rainbow Bridge, which wasn’t a bridge in the traditional sense but rather a way to bridge the huge gaps between planets, and the elves destroyed their planet, one group escaped via the Bifröst, the other upon faster than light starships.
The group which escaped via the Bifröst were the biologists and social scientists and the more passive of the elves and they ended up in the hands of a race known as the Ghouls. The Ghouls were just starting off into space travel and forced the elves to build them warships and weaponry to conquer and oppress others. The Ghouls were also body snatchers and used the elves as hosts until their leader, Ré or Ra, found a planet that the elves knew as Midgaard. Ra took the first human host and started exporting and breeding humans to be slaves and to be brainwashed into becoming his soldiers or something. Another Ghoul, Nirti, was doing experiments into the mutations among the elves and turned them into the small, brown, and big eared creatures that were known as House Elves.
As she did so the other Ghouls started killing the old elves out of fear and because the new human slaves were much less trouble and were far from being as intelligent as the elves were. Also the humans (being from a prehistoric Earth) were content to worship the Ghouls as gods and goddesses. Very few elves escaped the genocide and hid amid the humans upon Earth, doing household work in exchange for silence and food. The elves also helped plan and implement the revolt which expelled the Ghouls from Earth and together the humans and elves (who were now so used to working for the humans that they felt lost unless in a human household) hid the Bifröst and lived together in relative harmony for a while.
The other elves who were calling themselves the Asgaard found their long lost kin amid the humans and were so angered by the crimes done to their kin that they started to wage war upon the Ghouls, took groups of humans away and put them on protected planets, and generally did all they could to destroy the ones who destroyed their families and hopes of ever correcting the flaws in their now old cloning technology. The elves who designed the technology were dead and while it was experimental just before the destruction of Yggdrassil, it was the only way that the Asgaard were able to survive until they found a new home, Othala.
It was at this point the book ended. It ended with a crude drawing of a nude House Elf holding hands with what Harry knew to be a muggle’s idea of an alien, a Roswell Gray to be exact.
Overall the story was very sad and if it weren’t for the book’s age Harry would have thought it was a sick joke, but it was probably the truth, and very funny in a weird kind of way. The House Elf in the picture looked rather like Dobby and Harry’s mind was filled with picture of Dobby trying to ‘help’ aboard a spaceship, with a Gray running around behind him trying to fix it all and praying to god that the hyper being would just stop.