[Here is the
New Years Party, backdated to 12/31. Ichigo has been
clumsily invited, who in turn enticed Allen to stop on by to hit the ninjas up for some free food.
It was supposed to be a small get-together, but with the ninja, the Karakura gang, and the Exorcists' resources pulled together, it turned into a pretty big get-together idek how LMFAO.]
((ooc; people who were invited should be close friends of the crew; if you don't want to take part in this, just say they courteously declined the request! Start a thread, RP your hearts out, threadjacking is welcomed unless otherwise stated! Have fun, kiddos. This is also backdating haven, so latecomers will be welcomed.
During the middle of the party when everyone has settled,
this happened. It's uh. Kind of hard to ignore LMFAO JUST AS AN FYI. None of the threads are actually like, on a timeline basis. Just specify the time you want the thread to take place in, and then RP away.))