"Bark at the Moon"

Sep 11, 2006 20:04

This is one favorite pieces by my brother:

Bark at the Moon

Posted on 2007.06.07 at 11:16

In the age before all others, a garden called Eden flourished between the guiding eyes of Heaven and the idle hands of Hell. There, tangling in the emerald jungle, a sapphire blue river flowed, its bed gemmed by colorful fish of all varities. The water could quench any thirst, and soothe any weariness. All of the garden's creatures drank from its nourishing banks, and it flowed into a lake that reflected the sky as purely as a newborn reflecting the image of its mother.
Night had fallen upon Eden, and a captivating woman, dark against the bleached panes of moonlight sparkling in the lake below her, emerged on the shores that surrounded the small round island at the center of the lake. A single tree topped it. Its long branches rustled beautifully with verdant green leaves and were weighed down by ripe, red-orange fruits, making the colorful tree look like a stooping giant in the indigo dark of the starry night. The fruits resembled the woman, rounded by the fullness of life but wrapped taught by the firmness of youth. She padded softly upwards on the cool grass, that took refuge from the Heaven's glare under the shade of the great tree.
Her fingertips were flooded with sensation as sweet dew dripped from the crison-orange color of the fruit twirling just out of her grasp. As she arched upward, a slippery creature, like a rope made of many, many tiny irridescent scales, coiled around her delicate bronze ankle. Her innocent gape melted into an inviting smirk; the skin of her leg was hot where the Serpent flicked its fiery tongue. She too snaked her pink tongue, and caught the drops of water blessed by the Forbidden Fruit.
In the dark sheen of her flowing, eel-like locks, the Serpent crawled, whispering her ear full of soft words and poison. With a hiss, her eyes widened and her nails dug into the yellow meat of the fruit. Panged by guilt, she tore her hand away, but desire drew her sinful hand closer to her soft lips. She sucked on each glistening digit, tasting for the first time the allure and the power that the Serpent had promised her. She smiled wildly as the sugary glee of wickedness spoiled her thoughts; it fed the seed of selfishness planted within her, and its sweet disguise allowed it to grow. The thrill of her trespass was thick with the stickiness of mindfull omission as it dripped down her chin. Then, the Serpent danced up her outstreched arm, and bit the thin leek that held the fruit out of her reach. It fell into her craving palms, and her nerves shook limply as her body collapsed upon the fruit. Her ivory teeth were stained as she consumed the object of her burning curiosity, devouring it whole. Knowledge, like the fruit's viscous nectar, gushed into her being; she awoke, screaming, her first liberated breaths twisting into a nightmarish shriek. The cry erupted over the canopy of the sleeping trees, and shook every stone that made Heaven and Hell.
And God wept, while Satan cowered, as the beast they had both helped to create had finally reared its beautiful head with terrible power.

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