Jan 09, 2008 12:32
We lost our first ultimate game of the season, I'm not too supprised seeing as, as a team we arent the best out there. We did show a ton of improvement from last year which was awesome to see. We lost 10-7 to the team that took first place last year. So no complaints really. There was a lot of mistakes that we did made that are fixable and a few ideas that were repeatedly tried that in retrospect: we should have moved on to a new game plan seeing as the original didnt work.
I keep getting put into a leading role on the team. Which is awesome. It didn't happen at all last year and this year its every game, every practice.
I don't feel as if my style of play or my skills have improved greatly enough for this to have happened. Maybe it has happened gradually and I look better to the outsiders then i do to myself?
I'm a solid player.. I just feel that I have always been a solid player.
Maybe I wasn't a year ago and it was all mental.
That could very well be it.
I feel like I want to start running but I know that I have no self discipline and I will run for two days and that will be it. I wish I had the self discipline to do some conditioning work but it just wont happen.
I do know that this summer I plan to be throwing (the disc (the frisbee)) a lot more then I did last year.
Don Bowman is back in town for good and Dave LoVullo is in town as well. I know the three of us are going to be throwing all the time this summer.
I think I may find a night and a time each week that works for most people and have an ultimate game. When I first started playing at the beach noone had anything to do so spur of the moment games.. "hey ultimate at midnight tonight." worked. But now that we've grown up and have gained more responsibility people have jobs in the morning and things get planned for evenings. So i think a constant game schedule will work better in terms of getting people out to run around with me plus it might get friends of friends to come out: "hey i know of an ultimate game every "day" and "time" go run around, there's always people there, tell them "name" sent you." I can hope.
i've been trying to keep my pickup games outside of my league because league is more strict then the rules we play by. I've incorporated a few of the major rules into my pickup games but mostly its just running around which is great.
I always give people tips and tell people what i feel are good ideas because I'd rather play against good competition then win every time. so if your "not good at frisbee" i really don't care. We split up teams fairly and I help everyone and make sure that everyone gets to touch the disc multiple times.
Indoor Ultimate game this Thursday at Ten pm on Brighton-Henrietta Town Line Road. We've got a new game plan for this week and hopefully things will work better then they did last week.
Call if you want directions.
Will Update Soon,
Never Stop Laughing