May 27, 2007 13:52
i'm at work nothing to exciting going on except im hungry and i want chinese. I've found a place down the street from work that i LOVE. they have real good sesame chicken.
I'm going to go buy some soon.
i want a louis vuitton men's wallet. Ive started looking on ebay and there are a number of them.. i dnt want to spend a lot on it though so we'll see.
anyone going to nyc soon?
It'd be fun to go visit meredith this summer,
we'll see.
Sandra asked me to come to the thousand islands with her this fall for a weekend so that'll be awesome.
i want to go to the beach and throw around.
I bought an awesome hat from Lids yesterday. If anyone shops there i bought a discount card and i can let anyone i want use it.. so let me know if you shop there so i can let you borrow it.
it gets 10% hats and 20% off accessories (cleaning fluids and the like).
Will Update Soon,
Never Stop Laughing