My life, ladies and gentlemen.

Jun 11, 2008 01:31

SO it's 1:30 in the morning.

I am still awake.

Why? you may ask.

I'll tell you why: I drank a bottle of Nestea lemon iced tea today.

Indeed. I am so friggin sensitive to caffeine that a bottle of iced tea is enough to keep me awake at night. I had this drink at 1:30 in the afternoon.

I mean, my God. Can you imagine how I would be after a Red Bull or something? No, no, you don't have to imagine, because I can tell you. I am exhausted, but I still lay in bed, awake, with heart palpitations, totally unable to hold still for .005 seconds.

I could write fanfiction or do something else productive but instead I post on the Chronicle of the Horse forums.

But I think I am going to go to bed.

Valerian Root pills, thou wilt be my saviour.

*drugs up and peaces out*


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