May 05, 2008 17:34

LO, for I am greatly healed! I managed to eat a chicken wrap today, yay! And also I feel a lot better - still not 100% myself but much better than yesterday and Saturday.

I did elect not to go home for dinner with the fam, mostly because it is Cinco de Mayo (is holiday time, holiday time in Mexico . . . I KNOW YOU GET IT TARA) and Matt is preparing a delicious feast of tacos for a party tonight. :D Afterwards there will be HOUSE. <3 Sounds like a great evening if you ask me hahaha.

I started my Greek Tragedy formally today too! It features our intrepid hero, Argyros, who is horrified to learn that he has not been granted god status upon dying, thanks to his heroic (as he remembers them) deeds. Like a typical Sophoclean hero, he sets out to prove (with the help of another spirit, Spyridoula) that his deeds are heroic to the totally-not-stolen-from-my-other-books Angel of Judgement Laizaus (he's tired of being in everything I write but I DON'T CARE HAHAHAHA), no matter the cost. Eventually he learns that his heroic deeds were in fact most wussy, and he casts himself to Cerebus, who is about to make Beggin' Bits out of him before in swoops Hades (deux ex machina yeah!) to save the day. Hades will be stolen directly from Disney's Hercules, fyi. He calls off Cerebus but leaves Argyros alone in his empty afterlife, distraught and all emo but at least his new dead girlfriend sticks with him so that doesn't suck too bad.


Other fandoms I'm stealing from: Discworld (big shocker!). Yes, Death does deliver the prologue in ALL CAPS. And he has some dialog too with Argyros. He's a lot bitchier than Pterry's though, mainly because I want it to parody a tragedy a little bit. You know me, always humorous, even when I'm writing about dead guys getting condemned to a really shitty afterlife (hint: this is foreshadowing for another one of my fics, GUESS WHICH ONE AHAHAHA).

And finally, I fixed my schedule for next semester, woo and yay! The newer, sexier, revised version is:

Organic Chemistry (boooooo)
General Ecology (I can't imagine how this will be interestingggggggg)
General Physiology (Yaaayyyyyyyyyy)
Prehistoric Archaeology (Indiana Joooonneeesssss)
Nutrition Concepts (lol onllliiiiinnnneeeee)

So overall much more tailored to where I think I'm going with my future (medicall fiiieeeellllldddd) and less freaking random. It also leaves me more open to take like, Microbiology (ewwwwwww) next spring.


Or really, :D because I'm starting to burn out as far as school is concerned and I think having graduation on the horizon within the next two years will be good for me. Motivate me to keep my ass in gear hahaha. I WANT MY GPA TO BE HIGHER THAN A 3.2 DAMMIT. Too bad O-Chem will probably take my GPA, bend it over a barrel and make it its whore. *snuggles 3.7* GOODBYE, MY SWEET. I WILL FONDLY REMEMBER YOU.

And now I really need to go study chemistry.

Those kinetic rate formulas aren't going to memorize themselves.

;_; I freaking hate chemistry, someone please save me.

school, writing, random

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