Player Information
Name: Bix
Contact: gotyermako (AIM)
Characters: N/A
Character Information
Name: Tseng
Journal Name:
plotdeviceturkFandom / Series: Final Fantasy VII: Compilation
From When: After the events of Dirge of Cerberus
Function: Command (Black-Ops)
Preferred Side: Militant
Abilities / Powers: Despite coming from a world rife with superhumans, gods and demigods bent on either saving or destroying the planet Tseng is actually what constitutes a normal human being on Gaia. He is, however, a Turk and as such can often come across as possibly immortal. He's one of the handful of people to have survived being attacked by Sephiroth as well as a sundry list of other things he never should have been able to walk away from alive.
Tseng is a skilled marksman, though is familiar with various other weapons. He favors handguns and hand to hand combat, though is not as fast or as strong as some of his comrades. He also (if permissable, as it is a medical technology) always carries a Full Cure materia with wich he is able to heal others and himself completely. This does however come at a price, using materia too often in a day lowers the users' stamina to the point of exhaustion and the sheer inability to cast any more.
Personality: Tseng is, to all outward appearances, a completely ‘by the book’ man. He knows and follows the rules to the letter, and expects his subordinates to do the same. He cares a good deal about how he appears towards others, both professionally and in his appearance. He strives towards efficiency and precision in everything he does; from filling out paperwork to an execution, if he has a hand in getting it finished it will be done on time and with every “i” dotted and “t” crossed.
That isn’t to say that he’s another mindless cog in the corporate machine of ShinRa, he’s as shrewdly calculating as any predator. Tseng has sidestepped rules and dove through loopholes multiple times; faking deaths, procrastinating for over a decade on bringing someone in, attempting to rescue escapees from being executed and even aiding terrorists. He isn’t loyal to ShinRa as a company so much as he’s loyal to the people he works alongside. He’s willing to sacrifice his own dignity and freedom to save them and do what is best for the greater good while maintaining an appearance that he doesn’t give too much of a damn.
Despite his best efforts, there are times that Tseng’s emotionless facade cracks and he lashes out with near-extreme shows of emotion. He can’t always remain as calm and collected as he wants to be and it bothers him that he lets his emotions dictate his actions at times. He will fervently deny that he has any passions or emotional attachments to anyone, love and compassion have little room in a Turk’s life.
He holds everyone at arms length, something he began doing much more after shooting Veld. Treating everyone with cool near-indifference, even those he considers in close confidence. This isn't to say he dislikes everyone; he's quite fond of a number of people even outside of the Turks, he just never shows it in any obvious sort of way.
All in all, Tseng is a man who hides much of who he is behind the face of a Turk Director. Lying, blackmail and murder is as much of an everyday occurrence to him as paperwork and cold coffee. Happiness isn’t something he thinks he’ll ever have but he’s reletivly content with his role in the world. The only things he regrets are where he’s failed to do what was best for the group.
The Final Fantasy Wiki has the answers. Sample Journal Entry:
One Here Also here! Sample RP:
Musebox Shennanigans (Dissidia AU)