I swear I am going to punch somebody.
Late to the party as always, but have a meme!
The minor character meme: Give me one or more of my characters and one minor character in their lives (i.e. their mother, their father, their first crush, their crazy neighbor lady, etc. etc.), and I'll tell you 5 facts AND who I'd use as a PB for said minor character.
Sorry that this isn't cut, lj isn't letting me for some reason.
Squall Leonhart
Seifer Almasy
Zell Dincht
mach_kick Prototype:
Dana Mercer
not_fuckin_hera Devil May Cry:
Vergil AU
dei_irati Emperor!Vergil
imperium_maius AU Nero [Atellus]
cavallo_pallido Nero [incarnation]