Would anyone mind a date change?

Mar 26, 2010 15:16

Hello comm! This is a very sheepish request and clarification on behalf of me, Miss Mod. The plan, as you may remember, was to have the ficathon this year on the first weekend of August. However, not only do I realise that I've been listing the dates wrong to make it a weird Sunday-Wednesday fest (though maybe this is a good idea?), it also turns out that that first weekend is the date of the writerconuk meet-up, which I know I and several other people here were hoping to attend.

I was wondering, therefore, purely for my own convenience, whether anyone would have a problem with moving the posting period to the second weekend of August, ie. the 13th - 16th August. I'm so sorry to mess everyone around, and if there are major problems I'm happy to keep it on the first weekend (or indeed the first weird-midweek-thing) instead of making everyone screw around with their diaries (because I know what a big event this is - who hasn't put it in their diary with gold capitals and little sticker stars, hmm??). I'm willing to be very lenient with the exact boundaries of the four days (as long as no one takes the piss) and will happily work out a system for posting if someone can't be there. (I can post on somebody's behalf or I'm thinking I could do something funky with setting up moderated posting, letting people post early and then letting the posts through+turning off moderation on the day.)

Thanks, and let me know your thoughts! I hope the writing's going well.

(And don't forget there's still time to sign up and have fun with prompts!)

!reminders, !!mod post

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