Challenge: Fluff Violence
Genre: Humor, Final Fantasy VII Drabble
Words: 100
Rating: PG
Warnings: Violence, WAFF, Fluff, Drabble
Details: A mini drabble with exactly 100 words (not counting the title). It's a little unclear who they are on purpose; but I'm sure you know who it could be, there is more than one possibility so I'll leave that up to interpretation. The rating is lower than the challenge but this just sort of wrote itself after I was already done with the real reply. I guess it could just be a bonus.
"Maybe I will understand better with an example."
An example, yes, it was logical that people understood things better when they saw an example. But what example could be given for this? She paused and gave it some thought, then looked at her sister. "Violence and fluff, with warm fuzzy feelings," she prepared to give the demonstration.
"This is violent." Being a little sneaky, she stood next to her sister and shoved her violently, causing her to lose her balance and fall into the arms of her beloved. "That," she pointed at the couple in each others arms, "is fluffy."
Challenge: The Way You Love Me
Genre: Poetry
Words: 63
Rating: G
Warnings: WAFF
Details: A poem about the various ways to love.
The Way You Love Me
You love me with such care,
Since we started this affair,
Love will always be there.
You love me like the truth,
It won't hurt,
As long as it's from you.
You love me like eternity,
With you want I to live,
Our life in its entirety.
Our love is ablaze,
With a passion attack,
And in all those ways,
I love you back.
Challenge: Wheel of Fortune
Genre: Zombie Loan Ficlet, other genres include the warnings.
Word: 650
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angst, Hope, Violence, Fluff
Details: The title of the challenge reminded me of that organization Carmella is from in Zombie Loan, then I thought about Chika and Shito and it all continued from there. I made it so it doesn't mention the names, kind of impersonal on purpose, but you can still tell who it's about. The narrator is Carmella.
Life is nothing but a wheel of fortune in which some win and, in contrast, others lose. There are those who chose to try to challenge that endless cycle, to predict it and to control it, but such an accomplishment, if even possible, is not an easy one.
Born, live and die, some say is the natural way, and perhaps the happiest. Others know nothing more than how to exist outside the cycle, some willingly, other having no choice.
A blade pierces the rotten skin of a mutant creature, and instinctively the sword's wieldier steps back, before the acid drops can hit him. He wished to return into the cycle.
A bullet flies from the distance and penetrates the skull of the rampaging enemy, the one holding the gun only knows of existence outside of the cycle.
They both have their problems to face, and challenges to master, and for better or worse, they are not alone in those tasks. Both miss their families dearly, one hoping to see them again soon, and the other holding no hopes of such a reunion.
The enemies have been defeated and they receive their rewards, one jumping with joy, the other accepting it quietly. They are opposites in many ways, and in many ways the same.
One of them impatiently walks back to their work place, calling for his companion to hurry. The other, much more patient than the first, walks at a good steady pace, and does not slip on the wet side walk from the rain that ended a mere ten minutes ago.
The impatient one gets on his feet, curses at the rain, then happily continues on his way, mood swinging drastically back and forth with a matching changing expression. His companion remains serious, he is not moody, nor is he cheerful.
They arrive and are faced with several alternatives of what to do next; some information being provided by a good, yet sometimes misleading man, and other information being provided by hyperactive, boy who would gain nothing from playing certain cards in certain ways; of perhaps he would if he knew the game was being played, but maybe he would still chose to stay true to his ways.
They leave, the patient one and the impatient one, contrasting like their crown of darkness and light. They head out to a new adventure and to find a new companion, who unlike the boy of light can be quite shy. She is also different from the other girl, with has two personalities. That girl with the dead man's tongue; two halves in on body. One of them is cheerful and sweet, the other forward and lustful.
When they eventually meet another, who appears to join them for some time; they learn what a real deception feels like, especially the cheerful one. He is loyal, unlike the so called friend who betrayed him. But I suppose his existence will continue along with those others.
Contrast is quite present for that group; it becomes obvious when one is compared to another. Perhaps those complementing differences are what holds them together, and allows them to draw hope from each other.
Life, death and the in between are full of twists and turns. Not all good intentions produce more good and not all evil intents produce more evil. But what is that, if not a mere comparison, one unable to be defined without the other. Side by side, like the two creations of my clients, ever the opposites; one destroys and the other heals, bringing pain and compassion.
I suppose I am quite different from other people as well. Unlike those who live inside the cycle, or exist outside of it, I help move it along in an eternally harmonious disarray. In that wheel of fortune that some accept and others don't, some win and others, in contrast, lose; it's only a point of view.
Challenge: Misery Loves Company
Genre: Fullmetal Alchemist angst
Words: 637
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, Dark
Details: The boy known as Wrath wasn't always angry, he was just lonely...
Lonely Wrath
I wasn't born angry, some would say I wasn't even born; but this existence, I can't call life made me angry, it made me Wrath.
It started the same way it always starts for a child with a good future, but my future was taken away before my life really started. My father killed me, he sacrificed me to save the my terrible mother. I died before I was even born, he killed me before giving birth killed me.
As if robbing me of life wasn't enough, she turned me into a monster. Mother tried to give life back to the dead remains of her baby, and she succeeded. Then, seeing that I wasn't the cute little human child she wanted, she looked me away in a dark scary place.
Misery was all I know for over a decade. The cries of a baby, my own cries, are so clear in my mind that I can feel that pain all over again when ever I hear a sound like that.
Father killed me, mother didn't stop him. She turned me into a monster, then abandoned me in that place. I was alone for so long, or maybe not along, I don't know; but I felt alone and if there was anyone else they would be creatures far worse than the little monster she created and abandoned.
That place was so dark, I wanted someone, anyone to be with me, to hug me and care for me. I wanted protection, I wanted love, I just wanted some company.
Then those boys opened the door to my prison, one of them was taken away. I thought I had someone, but then the other older boy took the youngest's soul back to his world, the world that mother wouldn't let me live in.
I got back at the older boy, I took his right arm and left leg, and kept them for myself. I wanted him to stay with me, but I knew he wouldn't so I took a part of him.
Later, I used that arm and leg to open the door. I was so alone in there and thought that would change, but I was wrong. When I went to the other side there was no one there. I searched for people but didn't find anyone. There were a few animals but they ran away from me.
I was so lonely, I just wanted company. I was so alone I forgot people, and when I forgot them, I also forgot what I was angry about. I kept on being alone for a long time, then finally the boy and his brother came, but I didn't remember them; and then my mother came, but I didn't remember her either.
For a short time I was happy. I thought I would never have to be alone anymore, but that changed. Mother wanted to send me back into the dark lonely place behind the door, and the brothers were helping her; father did nothing. I realized that even if I was around people, I was still alone.
Then I found people like me, people who are not humans. One of them became my mother. All I wanted to do was stay with my mother and take away all the people who where around the boy whose arm and leg I made my own. I thought that if I took his body, I would become him, then I would have a mother, a brother, friends and I would never be alone again... but it didn't work.
That boy tricked me, because of him my new mother disappeared and the other people who were like me didn't want to help me. Everything made me so angry, it made me become more and more who they said I was, Wrath; and I was alone...
Challenge: Spinning
Genre: Poetry, humor
Word Limit: 60
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Details: A fairy gets trapped inside a washing machine. XD
Spin Clean
Many colors, spinning water,
It is I the fairy's daughter,
In this chaos a secret I stutter,
"Humans: creatures like no others."
For I do not understand,
Why such spinning they'd be needing,
For the sake of clothing cleaning.
My small world beyond control,
Until a human opens the door.
I fly away, wet, fluffy, scared,
Humans: creatures beyond compare.
I don't own Final Fantasy VII, Snow or Cherri, I only own Mikari. I don't own Zombie Loan or Fullmetal Alchemist. The clumsy fairy is mine, she has appeared in poetry before.