Boy, this'll be easier when I get a computer that works. I've been posting links to my site for each story on the other Sanctuary fic comms, because I can't post to another lj and have the cut thing work. Only my own. Someone explain that (possibly human error, but I used to be able to do that, darn it). It's just as easy to post one url to my site, since so far, all that's up there is this series of, hm, not quite ficlets--shorts, I guess. (smirk) Each is about three thousand words, or a little more, long.
Title: Lonely Man Who's in the Middle of Something
1. Fine Wine is Still Booze
2. Cuddling With Intent
3. Baby I'm Amazed
Author: whitejadeblack
Overall Rating: Teen for language, a bit of nonexplicit messing around
Stories are finished, series is not
Whew. I just named the series for this posting. I nearly called it "Mad Dog 20/20".