Love Challenge - ?/? - PG

Feb 20, 2010 17:31

Title: Come On Get Higher
Author: cookageful 
Pairing: ?/?
Rating: PG (for mentions... but nothing actually happens. Scout's honor.)
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing, everything you recognized belongs to people other than me. (I also don't own the song title, but it was the inspiration.)
Notes/Summary: After Valentines Day, two characters find themselves waking up on the floor of the library.
First time writing purely Sanctuary characters... without my own add-ins or anythings. Review and what-not even if it is bad. Also, any beta's out there willing to deal with an insane author. xP First post in community... does this call for a happy dance?

(fake cut to journal)

*challenge: love, pair: surprise!, *beta request

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