It works!

Feb 24, 2023 16:22

A few years ago I spent an appreciable amount of money on a good keyboard. It's not one of those super expensive life-changing ones, but it's got a good key weight, makes a satisfying click, and has LED lights behind the key caps.

Since I bought the keyboard, I have spilled water on it twice. Both times it killed the keyboard to the extent that some keys did not work, some repeated themselves when tapped, and others returned the wrong characters when pressed. The first time I killed it this way, I swapped it out for an old IBM mechanical keyboard and let it think about what it had done for a few weeks. When I hooked it back up, it worked.

This time set it aside for a few months to dry out. I'd been meaning to hook it up again several times over the past few weeks, but I'm lazy. I finally got around to plugging it in again today.

And it works just fine. While I am not without complaints about this keyboard, I certainly can't fault its ruggedness.


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