
Mar 25, 2022 13:36

I don't normally give my plants names - heck, I hardly even talk to them at all when I'm sober - but if I was going to call this one something, I would name it "Lazarus."

I transplanted it into a small pot and brought it inside at the end of summer so that we could have fresh chives through the winter. I know that I traumatized its roots pretty good when I repotted it, but chives tend to be pretty hardy.

At first, it seemed to be doing fine. After a couple weeks of inactivity, while it figure out its new paradigm, it sent up a tentative new shoot.

Then it stalled.

Over the course of the ensuing weeks and months, it did nothing but slowly wither and dry up. If it had been a cartoon plant, this is the point where it would have flopped onto its back with Xs for eyes, and clutched a lily to its stem.

Most rational people would have given up on it a long time ago, but against all odds, it still seemed to be drinking, even if it wasn't otherwise showing signs of life, so I kept faithfully watering it every other day and feeding it every month or so.

Then, a couple of days ago, it suddenly did this.

chives, lazarus, plant

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