Feb 09, 2022 15:22
When they first announced vaccine passports here for dine-in, one of the local coffee shops put up a fuss. They posted a screed on their Facebook page about how it was a violation of fundamental human rights to require somebody to show proof of vaccination in order to dine in.
They announced that they would be switching to take-out only until the passport requirements were lifted.
That's fine. It's their business - though I think they were more than a bit misguided with the idea of what constitutes a fundamental human right; i.e., having to get your coffee "to go" rather than "to stay" does not violate any fundamental rights, IMO. So while I did not entirely respect their reasoning, I respected their decision.
This afternoon, I was searching Google for an alternate place to buy coffee since my usual roaster is keeping sketchy hours during the Olympics, and this other coffee shop showed up in my search.
I opened their site to see how they were doing, and I noticed that they are open for dine-in, and advised that all provincial mandates applied, specifically mentioning the requirement for a vaccine passport for dine-in. Huh. I checked their Facebook, and I see that their human rights screed seems to have disappeared.