I should know better...

Feb 06, 2022 11:42

... but I Googled some symptoms, and now I'm pretty sure I have carpal tunnel.

I've known for some time that something was up with my hand as I've been experiencing occasional pain and numbness in my right thumb. This morning when I was making breakfast, I dropped two different things within a short span. The first was a measuring cup of milk. I had meant to pour 120g of milk into it, and had gone a bit over while pouring. I went to put some back into the carton and the cup slipped out of my fingers and sent milk everywhere. Fortunately, I was holding it over the sink when it happened, so most of it went down the train, but an appreciable amount splashed onto me and the floor.

I was just recovering from that when I dropped a jar of ghee on my foot while I was opening it. It is a plastic jar, so other than hurting a bit, there was no serious damage done. I admit that I have become clumsier over the past decade, but it's usually a "drop or knock over something every week or two" kind of clumsy. Two events like this in the same day, especially combined with my thumb feeling a bit number than usual, got me a bit concerned.

Some of my clumsiness can probably be ascribed to the fact that I am operating on very little sleep today - I tossed and turned until nearly 3 before I finally managed to doze off. Even then, I slept badly, and woke up well before atara. I've been sleeping pretty well lately, so I guess I was due for a bad night.

But getting back on point, after breakfast I looked up the symptoms on Google and the top result was carpal tunnel. I am usually leery of results you get from looking up symptoms online, but the result does not surprise me either. I am spending far too much time at my computer, and my posture is not great, so it would not come as a shock to learn that I am developing carpal tunnel in my mouse hand.

I'll be seeing my GP in less than a month, so I'll bring it up with him when I see him. I'll mention the clumsiness too. Mom was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's, and though it's unusual, it can manifest genetically.

On the plus side, the ankle I damaged when I was in engineer training has not bothered me in well over a year. Here's hoping it doesn't come back to haunt me again like my knee.

Getting old sucks.


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