There is
a restaurant within
reasonable walking distance from my office, which had a sign board out front when we first moved out here that proclaimed that they served, "The best hamburger in Winnipeg."
I had my doubts, but I was willing to give the place a chance since I found the food in our office's cafeteria to be rather uninspiring. I walked up there near the start of summer to put their claim to the test, and I found the burger to be good, but far from the best around town. Still, they had a decent rating on
Urban Spoon, and in my experience those ratings tend to be fairly accurate (weird, individual outlier ratings aside... "My fork had a slightly bent tine. This restaurant is the worst thing since Satan and Hitler had offspring!")
I noticed that the cafeteria was serving the regrettable fish & chips again today, so I decided to give Peaks another try. I steered away from the burgers this time and gave their Reuben sandwich with a Chipotle beef & bean soup a try. When the soup arrived, I nearly called the waitress back to cancel the sandwich order and just bring another soup. The sandwich was quite good as well - much better than the burger or fries I'd had on my previous visit - but the soup was amazing. My only complaint was that a couple of mosquitoes that had found their way into the restaurant who seemed to think it was their lunch time as well.
For what it is worth, the cafeteria food has improved dramatically since the office first opened, but their "frozen fish and frozen fries" special leaves much to be desired.