Feb 15, 2006 23:15
so. what is new these days huh? not a lot that's for sure.
i went and looked at apartments with bridget today. well a couple. a two bedroom here at highland. lame. one of the bedrooms was 10ft by 10ft. that's a damn small room. we looked at an apartment in the basement of a house owned by a LARGE family. this was a nice apt but it had a bathroom the size of a closet and a very misleading lease. the lease states that as tentants, we have to shovel the driveway and mow the lawn. fact is, we don't even get to park in the driveway. so bridget called and no, we don't have to do those things. why the heck is it in the lease? i guess they have a general lease for all places they rent out...you can't have a general lease if the leases aren't going to be generally the same..come on. that straightened out, the family has like 4 or 5 kids under the age of like 6. that's several young kids running around yelling crying screaming etc above my head. yikes. can i handle it? it's downtown though and that's a plus. then there is courtyard with andi and 2 other gals. nice apartment. expensive. furnished. close to campus. maybe i'll continue the search..
i did nothing today. seriously. i got out of class around 11:30 and went to the darkroom. i could hear powertools so i didn't go in and just went home. i cleaned up big time. swept and washed floors. washed rugs. mirrors. wow. i did amazing. bridget got back and we started our research. after getting back from looking at apartments, i called mom and jen. sat around and did nothing. nothing at all.
i could have gone and worked out. but no.
i could have done homework. but no.
i could have been productive. but no.
matthew is coming sunday! woohoo! this is the first weekend i've stayed in mankato since my dad passed away. kinda weird to actually stay again. i work 8 hours sat and 8 hours sun so matt took monday off to hang out down here. hopefully i can get monday off also.. Jenny O might come down also. I love visitors! John might be down in March. Yay! Any other takers? I've got a futon and a couch and a floor...plenty of floor space...
tomorrow will consist of fundamnetals of design from 9-11:45. darkroom fun till i decide i'm too hungry to continue. work from 5-9. work out 9:30 to 11.
friday will consist of hopefully some time in the darkroom in the morning. hopefully lunch with andi and co. work 3-10.
i hope to spend some time with jenny O while she's here at some point over the weekend. i also hope to see a gal named rhea who might have forgotten my name it's been so long since we've spoken.
i want to go to a concert. it's been a while.
i hate making decisions these days.
i don't know where i am. or where i want to be.
i miss my dad. i can't believe how many times i think of him in a day. how many times i think to call him before i realize he's gone. lately i avoid thinking about it because i don't like getting all emotional. deep breath...what if i get married some day? i'm going to be one of those who doesn't have a dad to walk her down the aisle. selfish thought? kinda. i'm just angry that's he's gone and that he won't be here for so many things and that he'll never be that old crabby man downstairs who bakes cookies and listens rock n roll.
damn. sad note.
let's end on a happy one.
i made pad thai for lunch. it was delicious.
the end.