(no subject)

Nov 04, 2004 09:06

All I have done is fail recently. This is such a silly entry and please don't take it seriously. It's like all my other sad, stupidly self conscious entries, I mean I only write in this when I'm upset so seriously, please don't write any comments which, are always sweet, but please don't take this seriously.
I've just only, literally only failed, ruined everything I've touched this week. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I've never been like this before. Usually the failure is spread out, but this week I just feel like I can't help but to disappoint, to inconvenience someone, to fail to hand something in, to not call a friend who probably hates me because I never call them. To not look into my Rutgers visiting student application, to not call my mom, to not get to work on time, to not wake up, to eat too much, I feel like I have done absolutely nothing BUT fail. Maybe this week will make every other week look amazing and I will suddenly realize that I am a positive source in some way. And the thing is most people who only see me briefly would never know. But my geo friends know. I've failed to meet them, I've failed to hand in a field report, to come to a study session, to care about my lab exam. HOW IS THIS? How can I just not care this week? Even right now I should be handing in an anthro paper, studying for an exam that is soon.. and I'm not. I'm failing. And this will affect everything. Now is the time that I need to really prove myself, to my teachers, to my friends, to myself, and I'm not. I'm letting everyone, even in the littlest way, down and mainly myself. I've completely let myself down this week. I'm not going to any classes today. Only the exam, and I'm finishing and handing in EVERYTHING today, no matter how late. It will be today. In mailboxes. I can't believe this.
Please don't write, or even take this seriously. Everyone has bad moments and I haven't yet failed to be dramatic.
Thanks for reading though.
- Brie.
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