(no subject)

Feb 04, 2006 21:08

Being a vegetarian makes me feel fresh.
Leisha Hailey is extremely attractive.

I'm such a lesbian.

Shannon's 18th birthday is on Thursday.
We're going to get tattoos next weekend. Hopefully.

I miss Russell.
I found my graphing calculator.
I still haven't heard from Hunter yet.

Also, I believe that I just wrote the most amazing paper of my life. It's for my Law and Government class.

Should gay marriage be legalized? What’s wrong with two people of the same sex being in love? Aren’t they human beings too? According to CNN.com, more than half of all people in the United States oppose gay marriage, even though three fourths are otherwise supportive of gay rights. This means that many of the same people who are in favor of gay rights oppose gays on this one issue. But why? According to the bible, gay relationships are immoral. So what? The bible has absolutely no standing in American law. Whatever happened to the separation between church and state?
It’s bad enough to have a mass population of homophobes among the United States, but now we have to worry about another close-minded conservative, George W. Bush. On February 25, 2004, he called for an amendment that would put a ban on same sex marriage. He strongly believes that marriage is strictly reserved for a man and a woman. Several democrats condemned George W. Bush’s discriminative comments, and are truly disgusted by his views. Winnie Stachelberg, the political director of the Human Rights Campaign stated, "We are very disappointed that the president is trying to further codify discrimination into law". The Human Rights Campaign is the nation’s largest gay rights group.
Several believe that same sex marriage issue should be put into the hands of the states. A number of states have already passed laws forbidding gays from marrying or barring the recognition of a same-sex marriage performed in another state. The federal government's 1996 Defense of Marriage Act affirms that states are not required to recognize a same-sex marriage performed in another state. Honestly though, what’s all the fuss about? Why are so many people opposed to same sex marriages? It has been proven that the true reason as to why so many people are opposed to same sex marriages is simply because they’re uncomfortable with the idea. Conservatives also worry that homosexuals will “recruit”. In other words, they believe that gay people recruit straight people to become gay. The miseducated need to pick their heads up and realize that we’re all human beings and it’s wrong for gay individuals to be punished for their sexuality. I think it’s absolutely ludicrous that gays are being mistreated simply because they prefer to be romantically involved with someone of the same sex. Being gay is not a choice. Whoever thinks that you can choose your sexual orientation is dead wrong. It’s amusing to see all the programs on television that advertise “straight camps”. Trying to turn a gay person straight is like trying to teach a dog physics. It’s NOT possible. The attempts made by psychologists, counselors and religious therapy and support groups to change sexual orientation have all failed, terribly.
It’s so frustrating when you’ve come to the realization that the country you live in is full of oppressive conservatives who don’t take the feelings of others into consideration. Whether a person is gay or straight shouldn’t affect their stance in society. It is absolutely no one’s business who somebody decides to fall in love with. Homosexuals are certainly entitled to the same rights’ to marriage as heterosexuals. Whoever decided that marriage was “traditional” and strictly for “a man and a woman” should be hit in the face. This isn’t the 1950s anymore. We’re well into the millennium and it’s time that homosexuals be given the same rights as heterosexuals. It’s time for the traditionalists to take a step back and realize that our country is diverse in more ways than one. Acceptance is the first step.
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