Aug 15, 2003 17:12
After some long hard talking in this past week, I have come to some conclusions about certain aspects of life. Not just mine, either.
I have very little faith left in human kind; and am rapidly beginning to despise people before I really get to know them, which makes me sad. I shouldn't feel like that. I hardly ever update this journal because I feel odd about people knowing anything about me; whatever I write in here will only ever be a very small part of what I am, have been and, no doubt, will be.
It seems that we are constantly let down; when faced with choices, we still and will forever worry that we have made the right choice. Did we do the right thing? Can we manage to pick up all the pieces of our self imposed mess? And is it really all our own creation? The answer is I haven't got a fucking clue. I don't know if I ever will have.
Another reason I often refuse to spew forth my feelings in this journal are the politics I see and hear about so often. It's really saddening. I don't want to be part of any of that.
I think the speed of my hatred for stupid people and human nature has been accelerated by that stupid bitch Aymei (and her ridiculous name spellings.) I have never before had the displeasure of meeting such a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours; and events that have happened in the last year have really made me even more distrustful of people in general. How can stuff like that be ignored? And why should it be?
I am a very angry person right now. I used to feel just plain ol' disappointment, but now I'm feeling much better.
I can't wait to get back to uni.