Jan 01, 2006 19:48
do you ever find yourself in a deja vu situation? not the club in kzoo... like that kind of situation where you know you should have known better. you should have seen it coming. i think i trust too much. i think i just give people the benefit of the doubt, and forgive too easily. i need to surround myself with people that i actually can trust, that i dont have to second guess their integrity or their intensions. the last few years i have put myself in the same situations with certain people over and over and i keep getting the same result. and i think im going to stop. ive said it before, but im just too forgiving and i guess naive. silly me, wanting to see the best in people. maybe i should just see the situations for what they have been and not sugar coat them. i need to realize that even though things went south, over and over again, that maybe its not my fault. maybe it wasnt because they didnt mean it, or because it was just a weird situation, but that maybe they're just shady pple, and i really cant trust, or that i shouldnt. i just put myself out there to be walked all over, and for some reason i am surprized every time. and everytime it hurts just a little bit more than the time before. im kinda sick of it. but its such a trap, having to give up, i hate that. its like failure. but so its trying. so whats the use. cant people just figure out what they want and stop dragging me along behind them until they figure it out. think about someone else for once could you? geeze louise.
what a rank, okay, im done.