blah blah blah

Oct 01, 2005 03:37

so, here i am, at 3:40am. i was sooo tired from my first full week at work, that ran over an hour b/c we had lock-down at our school, that i actually laid down to take a "nap" and woke up 7 hours later in the middle of the night. yep... my times are all screwed up now. I havent been awake at night for like months. teaching is seriously draining, i get tired at like 7:30 every night and have to dvr and shows i like on tv that start after 10 b/c i cant stay awake and make it through the next day. oh yeah.. and the whole living alone at my brothers house this is awesome - but totally lonely and boring. im like a hermit, me and my dvr-ed degrassi, all alone, shut in the house that has no heat, and is Freezing cold right now. Im so out of the loop, living in livonia, i seriously have no friends except dominic. and even still, i only see him 2 times a week. im like seriously dying to have a social life that consists of more than 12 year olds and teachers (cause you know.. teachers are awesome and all, but we're still teachers.. i need more outlet than just going to chili's with the other newbee's). i need a really fun big keg party, like for halloween, where i can get all dressed up and get wasted- maybe just need to be back in college for a semester. although, college kinda sucked, because i didnt really go out then either (not since freshman year at least). is it wrong that im only 22 (the youngest teacher in my school by at least 2 years) and im jealous of my students' social lives. they go out and do more fun things (pg-rated and all, but at least fun stuff), than i do, and im legal, over 21, and sit at home and watch tv, eating for hours on end. i also totally miss swimming, i used to swim at 6:00am a couple days a week, and theres no pools around here, there something about getting up in the freezing cold and forcing yourself to get up in the freezing cold and drive to the pool that makes you feel really accomplished, or at least it gives you a good start to the day, something out of the ordinary- alarm goes off, get up, grab orange juice, drive to work, hang out with kids all day, come home, eat, watch tv, eat, go to bed. Boorrrinng.
at least i have tomorrow (well.. later today to look forward to).. the heater dude is coming to fix the heater, and i have 55 folders, 55 tests, and 55 quizzes to grade, as well as ch.12 to read and plan, a project to design and write a rubric for, critter care to "invent" and investigation 3 in science to "figure out." maybe ill just go shopping instead... i did get paid today (yesturday). i hear jcpenny and kohls are having sales... alright, i didnt hear it because i dont talk to anyway, but i read it in the sales paper. okay, this is long.. gnight
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