Nov 15, 2001 18:55
heres the fucking deal.
my roommate called the cops last night because i smoked weed in the room. and they came and she GAVE THEM MY WANDA. totally went in MY DRAWER and GAVE IT TO THE FUCKING COPS. i came home around 3 to an emptry room.. all excited she was gone, only to find a note explaining how having the cops in the room scared her (bullshit she was afraid of what i would do to her). and all this other shit. and im totally in deep shit. the cops took three empty sandwhich baggies of weed, one with an 1/8th in it, night, day, the purple new pipe i got with bekka in ferndale, and WANDA!!! my FUCKING BITCH ROOMMATE GAVE WANDA TO THE FUCKING COPS! can you believe that BITCH.
dude.. and she has the nerve to yell at me today. i was like fuck you, its my business, if you would keep your fucking mouth shut out what i do thats none of your business you wouldnt have to worry about anything. her story is that like the r.a's were "patroling" and like they smelled it (BULL FUCKING SHIT) and they called the cops (BULL FUCKING SHIT).. and that it smelled So bad in the room that i "ruined all her clothes, and her friends when she went over there last night were like.. oh my god you Reek! have you been smoking". its like whatever i smoked One fucking bowl in the room. One FUCKing Bowl! thats like fucking not a big deal at all. and she fucking calls the cops and fucking ruins my whole life. like i really want to have a record. goddamn her.
everyone i know said they wanna fucking kill her. simon was so mad.
i cant believe she did that. she told them that it was in my drawer. fuck her.. she could have easily been like "yeah i dont know anything about it its her shit" she totally did it to get me in trouble. like she couldnt put up with me for fucking three more weeks til school gets out. fuck her for real. i mean damn.
she started crying and Swearing at me today when i asked her why she did it. i was like look dude, im sorry, it didnt smell to me (and it Totally different, trust me i have experience making sure a room doesnt smell i think i know). and like goddamn. talk about over react. its fucking weed. its like asprin. i had a migraine, and i needed to smoke cause i was like going fucking blind my head hurt so bad, and it was lisa's 18th birthday so invited her to join.
okay, okay okay.... get this.... the BEST FUCKING part.. erin goes "dont you remember me TELLING YOU (like she has room to tell me what to do) not to keep that shit in the room, why did you do it, so your friends would think you were cool" i SO SO busted out laughing at her at that one. i was like look bitch, its fucking bud, and its ass bud, its not the end of the fucking world. like shes all bawling like her clothes are ruined and her whole life is over. im like look whats your fucking problem youre the one who ruined my case. whatever.
i just dont get it.
i really dont. like i can understand if i was being sloppy with my weed and i left it out and smoked in here all the time, and like left weed out on the table and shit. but No.. i even empty the trash after i cash out the bowl, im so so so considerate. for real i am. and im so nice to her too, and shes soo mean to me. and then she goes and gets all on my case, fuck that. i just dont like being fucked over when its totally uncalled for. its like i didnt do anyting to deserve it, its like she did it just because she wanted to fuck me over.. like on purpose or something.
i was so drunk last night when i found out. i was fucking bawling my eyes out and i was just so so mad. i read the note and i was just like.. oh my fucking god. i screamed and slammed my door cause i was going down to lisa's room and like i couldnt even make it down the hall with like falling and just crying. it was so bad. i mean im over it today. the cops still havent gotten a hold of me which kinda freaks me out, i dont know why. but im pretty sure im just going to get community service and maybe a fine. but its my first offense ever, and they didnt even physically catch me with it, it was just in my stuff. and like i dont think they have to tell my parents. but like erin said her uncle is a probation officer and that he's probably gonna be the one on this case deal, im like fuck that.. can we say prejudice? for real.
i dont like bitches.