If You Can't Stand the Heat IV

Jun 27, 2005 18:00

Title: If You Can't Stand the Heat
Part(s): 4/?
Pairings: Monaboyd
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU
Disclaimers: I don't know them and I'm not affiliated with them.
Feedback: I love feedback of all kinds.
Author's Note: Thank you to E. for the nickname. Also, thank you to fellow Trogdor lovers; you know who you are.

Previous parts live in my nearly empty journal.
Plinkin's Journal

You know, having a nice little wank in the shower didn’t really take care of my problem. The only thing that’s going to make everything right is Billy, mussed, replete and asleep in my bed. Or his. I’m not picky.

So, it’s good that I keep a change of nicer togs here at work. Nothing fancy, just a jacket to go over my t-shirt and jeans. I love my shirt. Trogdor. The Burninator. Yes. And my boots will be just fine, thank you. They go pretty much everywhere with me, scuffs and all.

Now, clothing taken care of. Time for the razzle-dazzle. Little spray through the hair. Ruffle it up good and proper. Little liner on the lower lid, not too much. There we go. If I hadn’t had that little party with my hand, I’d have been done in well under thirty minutes.

Oh. Almost forgot my rings. I can’t wear them for work and my hands feel naked without their weight. The bit of silver ‘round my thumb is my favorite right now. All sparkly, cold and smooth: it’s so nice to slip them all back on at the end of the day, along with all of my other play-pretties. My wrist cuffs and bracelets go on and I’m done.

And, I think that’s it. Oh. Hmm. I did say I’d be taking an hour and it’s only been just over thirty minutes now. And he did say he wanted me tarted up a bit, even if I know he was only joking. But God, how I’d love to be his little tart. Perhaps I’ll do my nails. I’ll be walking to the bar and they’ll have plenty of time to dry. I’ve even got this fun little kit stowed in my locker. Cate was trying to give me a gag gift and thought herself quite hilarious. How was she to know that I’d actually wear the stuff? It’s got all these pretty, glittery colors in gorgeous little bottles

Ok, well now I know I’m doing it, but what to do? Alternating, yeah? I think so too. We’ll just use every color in the box and when we run out, we’ll start back at the beginning.

Lovely. I’m all sparkly now, just like my rings. Time to go. Prince Charming awaits.

So, here we go, back through the darkness. Just the light from Viggo’s office to see by.

And we’re out into the night and it feels divine. It’s all warm and moist and so fragrant and if I didn’t have a Scotsman to see, I’d wander about till dawn.

Hello, what have we here? Karl’s truck is parked ‘round the back. Perhaps he forgot part of the delivery. I’ll just poke around and see if he needs me to unlock the....THUNK

What was that noise?

Um, there seems to be a bit of a ruckus going on inside that vehicle. I’ll just press my ear to the door, in a very non-snoopy and subtle sort of way.

Oh my God. Is that? Wait.

“Watch out, Humper, you’re crushing the radiccio!”

“Well, if you’d just, nnnyyn, blow me at yours we wouldn’t be having this, mmhhmnn, problem.”

My, my. It looks like Karl did indeed snag our Seanie. Let that be a lesson to you; always wash your veggies. You never know where that lot’s been. Might have been pressed against the arse of an Englishman.

The guys will get a bit of a giggle over this piece of gossip. We’re all quite terrified of Sean and the thought of him shagging amidst the baby greens and cantaloupe will send them rolling and gasping for air. Humper? What the hell? I’ll just file that little tidbit away for future reference.

I’ve got half a mind to lock them in there. No, no. I mustn’t. No. Sean will know for sure it was me. Ah well. Perhaps another time.

Off I go. My thoughts are all muddled right now and the walk will do me good. It’ll calm me down and prepare me for the onslaught of Boydness. Oh. Billy’s last name is Boyd, by the by. Just, thought you might like to know. And I’m Monaghan. Dom Monaghan. That gave me a teensy giggle. I feel a bit Bondish now.

And here we are. No more stalling . He’s right inside. Just on the other side of this door. He’ll be sitting and having a beer. No. Wait. He’ll most likely be having a scotch, no water, no ice. Just the amber liquid, warmed by those beautiful hands.

Really, if I keep standing here, I’ll completely lose my nerve. What in hell wrong with me? It’s just Billy. The same Billy that I work with. The same Billy who teases me and calls me names and tells me I’m an idiot. The same Billy who slips into my dreams and occupies my waking thoughts. The same silken tongued demon who haunts me day and night, relentlessly, and without mercy. Oh Billy, my Bill. Here I come.

It’s dark and smoky inside the little bar and the music is just a tad loud, but it’s not too bad. Where are they? By the mirror on the back wall, Elijah said. And there he is, just as promised, Orlando slouched beside him and already looking very happy. Not that it takes much, mind you. Orlando couldn’t outdrink a flea. Elijah, I don’t know about yet. He’s a scrappy little fellow, but there’s not much to him. I doubt he could hold his own in a place like this.

But. Where is Bill? Ah. He must have changed his mind. Or maybe he left. Damn it. I knew I shouldn’t have done my nails. I’ve missed him and now I’m here with the two stooges. Look at them over there giggling and snorting and flopping about. I should at least go say hello before I slink back to my hole and die. Alone. Lonely.

“Hey guys. Been into the alcohol already, I see.”

“Dom!!! Oh my God, man. It’s so great that you could make it. Orlando and I are having the best time. We’re drinking and we’ve been playing quarters and dancing and that bartender is the best. He made me this thing. This thing. It was rum and he lit it on fire and then he dropped it in my beer and I drank it and the shot glass hit my teeth and then the room was spinning and I almost fell down and Orlando was behind me and he caught me so that was ok and then I sat back down and this woman…”

“Take a breath, Elijah! You’re going to pass out. Jesus.”

“You tell him, Orlando. Don’t let the kid get into too much trouble out here in the big, bad world. He’s just a babe, you know.”

“Aaghh!! I am not a baby! How dare you? I have my own apartment and car and everything and I’m very responsible and pay all my bills on time, and hey. Hey, Dom? Your eyes are really pretty.”


“Um, thank you Lij. Why don’t you sit up a bit and we’ll get you some water. OK?”

He’s got the oddest, glazed expression on his face. I hope he’s not about to go postal.

“Ok Dom. Thank you.”

Alrighty, that was a bit odd. Water acquired and back to the table. Hello. Oh my. It’s Billy. He was here after all. God, the man’s got no right to look so good.

He’s not even changed out of his work clothes but damn me, if he’s not sex on legs. Like Orlando, he’s chosen to remove his tie but he’s still wearing his white button down. Heaven preserve me. He’s got the top few buttons undone and I can see the glint of the stone he’s wearing ‘round his neck and smattering of ginger hair. His sleeves are rolled up his forearms and in a typically Billy way, he’s chosen to keep his brocade vest on but open in the front. I’m slowly dying here, heat curling up from my toes and lapping at my belly and threatening to consume me. This lovely package is rounded out by slim, black trousers and shiny black shoes. Ooh, lovely, pointy-toed shoes.

Oh my. He’s looking this way. Relax Dom. This is your mate. Nothing to worry about and holy Jesus those eyes locking on mine about killed me. Did they go a bit wide for a second there? Oh. I’ll bet he noticed the eyeliner. Good. Let him be shocked. I won’t be put inside anyone’s little box.

“Well, Dom. I see you finally decided to grace us with your presence. Do come have a seat and I’ll order you a drink. What’ll you be having?”

Oh Billy. A tall glass of Boyd, shaken and stirred, thanks very much.

Here we go.
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