Someone needs to tell me to back away from the Tokio Hotel. Like now.
Why, oh why, did I have to TIVO the EMA's? I just wanted my very own, huge copy of MCR and Dave Grohl and Teenagers to watch again and again and I ended up with the English version of Monsoon, as well. And a very wet Bill Kaulitz. A very pretty, very young, very lanky Bill Kaulitz.
There followed much YouTube-ing and surfing and music downloading. You know, like you do.
Now Monsoon is stuck in my head and Spring Nicht and Schrei. And there's twin-cest out there. Ok, they're legal now, yeah, so that's at least one good thing, but they're barely legal and their music is like the German bastard child of N-Synch and Busted or something, but it's still really hook-y and it sticks with you and makes you hum it randomly until you catch yourself and make the "d'oh" face while you're trying to look professional at work.
That's not really important since I already lost all of the music cred I had at work when I got caught humming "Guilty Pleasure", but that's ok because it's now in rotation on the kitchen mix CD and I didn't put it there, so I feel a little vindicated. It's called "Guilty Pleasure" for a reason, am I right?
Long story short, I don't need to get dragged into the Tokio Hotel fandom and to date had no interest in it at all. It's amazing what one live performance, 270 litres of water and being 18 will do for a band-boy.
Galor5, I still love this icon like an icon loving thing. Thank you so much for making it. It was perfect then and it's still perfect.