(no subject)

Nov 18, 2010 20:47

Clubs, huh. Guess I have to join something. But I'm already a chem and dance major so I don't have to join those,and the surfing club just seems like a waste of time.   Maybe volleyball or swimming or something.

Rocking classes already...and once again, pay no attention to any explosions you hear. They are normal. Pay no attention to the guy with the lab coat.

Atsushi, our birthday's coming up. What's the plan? I suggest grog and pillaging.

Former royal ass actually did something good for us. We now have full blueprints to the school. Make sure they're well kept away from Sanada.

Can't help but feel bad for Zaizen, seeing I was in his position last year with Kato. At least his graduating made me lucky enough to finally get that switch I wanted. Shishido leaves us alone, and that's pretty damn awesome.

But if any of them want honorifics and keigo usage, they're not getting it from me. Respect has to be earned, and I'm not going to respect them for the sole reason of "because."

atsushi, a pirate i was meant to be

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