we just had a yard sale. we stayed up most of the night pulling clutter from every corner of our home to get up at the crack of dawn to find trucks circling our home like sharks waiting for a surfer (ry posted the sale on craigslist and other online classified ads) they were picking through our things as we were putting them on the driveway. funny, our house looks even worse now 'cause there is stuff strewn all over as we tore through the house looking for stuff to sell. i shall have to clean that up soon.
the early part of the day was good- not too sunny, good inflow of customers. it is like they came in waves. one moment it is dead and the next 5 cars, trucks and minivans all pull up at once and whole families come pouring out and touch everything that we own, then they are all gone as quickly as they came. i am pretty certain that some of them are scam artists- one family makes a distraction while one of their buddies makes off with something. i am not too worried about it though, we needed rid of that junk and any money we made is icing on the cake. and knowing that they will rot in hell for dishonesty makes me feel a little better, too.
we meet some pretty cool people and made some good sales. when we would start to get low on stock ry would dig through some boxes in the garage and pull out more stuff which sold almost immediately... lather...rinse...repeat for about 6 hours. at about 11 we decided it was getting too hot and have not seen a new customer in about 10 minutes so we started to pack up all of the left overs to take to the DI
http://www.providentliving.org/content/list/0,11664,2022-1,00.html when another wave of people hit and they were going through our car looking through the stuff we had packed up. (have they no shame?)
i should be sleeping, but having slight heat exhaustion has given me a headache and i can't sleep, that any ry's brother keeps calling. how can ry sleep through that?